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Scheduling scripts without cron or at

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 6:21 pm
by Kalium_Puceon
I'm trying to schedule a script to run on a shell server every three hours, but the server has disabled it's at and cron services because of... some kind of security problem. I've started looking into using systemd timers for controlling the script, but what other ways exist for me to schedule a script politely, i.e. no long-running or hungry processes.

Re: Scheduling scripts without cron or at

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:23 am
by vakie
Maybe you could use a service like integromat to send an http request to a web server you're running that could trigger the script? It's difficult to come up with ideas without knowing the context.

Re: Scheduling scripts without cron or at

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 4:22 pm
by Valerion
If you want to be polite, you can do long-running. Create a script that will never end, but put it to sleep so it doesn't affect the server as much.

Without at and cron there really is no way to do scheduling locally.

Code: Select all

while true
        sleep 30
        <Perform action here>

You can have another server, then use ssh to launch your process on the server without cron, but that's ... cumbersome.