South African Furry Community Competition Voting

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Which submission should win the South African Furry Community Competition

Poll ended at Wed Jul 10, 2019 7:55 am

superlegend - Entry 1
No votes
superlegend - Entry 2
Nihilus Razorbeak
FurnixWolf - A kind hug
Total votes: 9
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Rakuen Growlithe
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South African Furry Community Competition Voting


Post by Rakuen Growlithe »

Please vote for your favourite submission. Voting will be open for seven days. Let's spread some love!

superlegend - Entry 1
Finnick the fennec fox
gave me the chicken pox.
I coughed and sneezed,
he laughed and wheezed -
I slapped him outta his sox
ShadowTale.jpg (13.44 KiB) Viewed 5049 times
superlegend - Entry 2
Shake that fursuit booty fast,
dance as long as you can last.
Sway your hips from side to side,
stomp your feets and clap your hands.

Wave your arms in flailing fashion,
jump ahead in flaming passion.
take your partner for a ride -
piggyback on dynamic lands.

If you're planning to avoid
the fursuit rave, you will void
your chances of a once-in-a-lifetime experience -
are you really that insane?
I found some friends here.
Alive, disappeared, or dead,
Always remembered.
Nihilus Razorbeak
Caught in the rain, quite heavy rain at that. I knew the rainy season in Japan was well under way but I didn't expect it to be this intense! Still, I found myself with my backpack propped to the railing of the beautiful wood deck overlooking an amazing garden. Well, it was amazing until five minutes ago when the heavens opened and soaked the land, I can barely see the statue a few yards away. The rain on the roof was deafening and water gushed over the overfilled gutters.

Hiking boots on, cargo shorts and a button shirt with a hat was all I wore to beat the heat that came with the rain, my friends the same.

We had been here less than a week and everything was according to plan, so a few hours delay here won't kill us. Transfixed on the rain I thought I spotted something move, and the rain let up enough that I might dare venture out to explore my attraction to that movement.

I didn't remember how long it took but I was touching the back of the large stone monument, clothes wet, but I loved the feeling of walking in the rain today.

A murmur caught my attention, faint, like a whisper of prayer. I had to know, and slowly crept around the large monument to find what looked like a large bushy now tail matted and wet, caked with mud leading to the rest of a fox shielded by a light grey hoodie. A light blue glow attracted my attention, the critter holding an orb, light blue smoke slowly wafting off the top.

She placed the orb at the base of the statue, and it sank into the granite without hesitation, like a drop of water in the ocean. Pulling her hood off and breathing a sigh of relief her head turned in my direction.

Words could not describe her beauty, well no words I had at the time. Transfixed I looked at her, mouth agape and lost in the bright green eyes staring directly at my soul. Looking back, I thought my heart was going to choke me in my throat and the world went fuzzy from all the adrenaline.

Only a moment later she tore away her gaze, flicked the hoodie back over her ears and bound into the underbrush, gone so fast I thought I saw a vision, the mud deep in water making her tracks vanish in seconds and I stood out in the warm summer rain like a fool with my mouth open.

When I finally got back to the Inn where Reinette found me dripping wet on the steps, a blank expression on my face.

“Dude, did you pop something? You look out of it… Are you crying?”

“I’ll be fine, I just saw something.” I hadn’t realized my eyes were burning from the tears, mixed with the rain on my cheeks. We arranged with our guide and hotel that we will arrive tomorrow and spent the night at the Inn.
FurnixWolf - A kind hug
I love my hugs more than anything
We all dream of wonderful things
Let everyone see who we can be
I love everything I get to be

Our hugs are good and pure
Helps and mends a broken heart and more
We are proud to be who we are
We all mostly live so far

A hug is all we need to sometimes shine
We all try to show were all mostly fine
Friends where there were none
now someone calls me hun

I love my hugs more than anything
We all mostly want the same thing
Sonas are so beautiful and creative
Sometimes we make them and create them

A hug here and there makes me believe
Sometimes we do get to be naive
We feel loved and so much more
All our homes have an open door

With hugs you can’t forget
That first time we have met
A crowd smiles of happiness
It was much fun and endless

Hugs are love and embrace
From here to any place
True beings of love and acceptance
We love our independence

I love my hugs so much
I’m grateful a real big bunch
Can’t wait to hug you tightly
A kind hug truly can be mighty
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

“Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.”
~John Milton~
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Rakuen Growlithe
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Re: South African Furry Community Competition Voting


Post by Rakuen Growlithe »

I'm glad we got a bunch of different entries. It seems like everyone was waiting for the last minute! Thank you to all the participants. I look forward to seeing how the voting goes and will quickly give my own thoughts.

superlegend - Entry 1
I thought this was quite funny. :)

I like how he looks fluffy and the torso is particularly well drawn but I don't see how it fits the theme.

superlegend - Entry 2
I had mixed feelings here. Most of it was good but I just didn't understand the cadence; especially with the last verse where the previously established pattern is broken and there are so many extra syllables.

It's sad but a good haiku.

Nihilus Razorbeak
Some nice imagery there but, the same as with ShadowTale's entry, I just don't see how it relates to the South African furry community.

FurnixWolf - A kind hug
I think it can be polished a little more but it's a great sentiment that I think a lot of furs can relate to.

Overall, I think the best one here, and the one that has my vote, is FurnixWolf's entry.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

“Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.”
~John Milton~
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Rakuen Growlithe
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Re: South African Furry Community Competition Voting


Post by Rakuen Growlithe »

With the voting having concluded, the latest contest winner is Leeward! Congratulations Leeward and well done to everyone who participated. I look forward to seeing your submissions in the next contest.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

“Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.”
~John Milton~
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Re: South African Furry Community Competition Voting


Post by Leeward »

I wasn't expecting that. Thanks guys.
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