Reasons for location (to be made public later, so people don't argue or criticise poor research on choice of convention location):
Cape Town
- Rainly winter weather
- Zero tolerance driving after a drink
- Many locals will visit for one afternoon or evening and leave
- accommodation/venue expensive
- Many locals will visit for one afternoon or evening and leave
- Accommodation/venue already found and low cost: R1200pp w/ 2 meals per day
- Everyone has to travel, but costs are partially covered by saving on accommodation/venue
- No driving over limit necessary (walk to pub)
- Flights R1000-R2000 return trip from CPT, average R1100 return from JHB OR Thambo (based on 3 months advance bookings)
- Bus from CPT +-R1100 return trip
- Driving Distances (assuming fully loaded light vehicle, average 8 litres per 100km):
- From JHB: 417km one way – 66.72 litres round trip
- From CPT: 998km one way – 159.68 litres round trip
- From PE: 635km one way – 101.6 litres round trip
FNB Business Account: Yukon can use a shelf close corporation:
- Standard monthly bank charges
- R572 setup fee for the feature for one person loading payments, another has to authorize
- Yukon can do the accounting. Catch: There must not be a substantial profit shown (money in the account that hasn’t been spent) at end of financial year (Feb 28th (also Yukon’s bday lol)). Having around R3000 left in the account at the time won’t be a problem, but most people should only pay after 1st March to prevent tax issues.
- Can’t go through a business account. Can go through someone’s personal account, but they would have to worry about Forex/Reserve bank queries, convincing SARS that it’s not taxable personal income if they find out or the person gets audited for any reason including other discrepancies, etc.