Convention Q&A

The 2016 South Afrifur Convention didn't happen.
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Convention Q&A


Post by Ivic_Wulfe »

(Setting this up in a centralized area to give visiting furs and such a place to read answers to various suggestions.)

Outside Conventions/"AltCon"

That would be a fair way to get the name out there. But what we're looking at in respect to the convention is a place where we can get together as a national group and spend time meeting each other in person and enjoying the company over a weekend, where we can all be ourselves.

Not that your ideas are bad ones. I reckon it sounds very good. It is, however, important to start having a 'haven' for furries as well. All of these ideas, can be implemented in the best of ways. Places where we pitch up and wreak havoc and let loose the furs, scalies and assortments of war, but the importance that we have our own fur only national meet/convention is something I would like to stress and getting the publicity that we do exist and co-exist is also very important.

Having our very own platform even though it would be 50 furs from all over the country coming together for a weekend of fun and really enjoying one another's furriness and listening to one another's stories and seeing what we do is something severely lacking here in SA.

I've been to Rage, twice now, I've been to some other existing conventions and it's too busy. Way too many people and I get claustrophobic in a place where people bump against me constantly and silently judge my choice of clothing or worse...fangirl/guy over it. (I'm not saying that this is just MY personal preference but having been in positions like that before I can also relate to the idea of avoiding areas like that altogether.) Also having an environment where we can be ourselves is important. This thread and the purpose of it is for that. To see whether it can be viable and whether the interest is enough to get more than just the ideas out.

Johannesburg/Cape Town vs Centrality

I understand many people's apprehension to travel and travel costs but for those of us who would prefer to drive from CT especially if the suggested place is either JHB or Bloem 400km is a lot and takes up to 6 hours longer at times and at times would require at least an extra tank of petrol. The Gauteng area is very well known for it's expensive accommodation and that in and of itself would most probably scare off the varied groups of furs.

One of the reasons for making it a "centrally" located is specifically to at least make some form of effort to allowing travelling to be a bit easier. Price-wise I've been checking, yeah there isn't much difference, but as mentioned beforehand the prices of JHB/PTA venues are pretty intense. For Bloem a payment of R1200 for the con at base price is about an estimate depending on whether we manage 50 furs. This covers two days accommodation, 4 meals and 2 venues over three days. That is bare bones at cheaper than normal accommodation prices.

Lastly in respect to Bloem as a choice is the fact that the University is completely internal. Interaction with outside bodies can be kept to a minimal and would help with the overall cause that was mentioned above. If held in PTA/JHB the odds that interaction with other bodies would be very high, aside from that, since it is being held in JHB (and this has been shown before) JHB people wouldn't pay for accommodation nor will they really be involved in evening events and for that matter probably wouldn't want to pay full price either since they'll only come for one day rather than the entire do. Not to mention the fact that "Down the road" in Cape Town is about a walk away...while in JHB you're looking at around 20km and getting around will become a big issue for many.

Bloem accommodates for everyone in that we're being brought closer together and actually interact (and given the space to not interact if necessary at times) and enjoy the beauty that is our fandom to the fullest at what is seen at a fairly decent price.


We don't intend to run this as a "Trade Show" but we do intend to allow for furs to be able to show off their wares and make a little bit of business on the side.


Thanks for your ideas in respect to events and things to do at the con itself. We'll see about what would be feasible to do in respect to that but we do intend to have an interesting itinerary.
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by Raven Song »

Ivic-Wulfe wrote:If held in PTA/JHB the odds that interaction with other bodies would be very high, aside from that, since it is being held in JHB (and this has been shown before) JHB people wouldn't pay for accommodation nor will they really be involved in evening events and for that matter probably wouldn't want to pay full price either since they'll only come for one day rather than the entire do. Not to mention the fact that "Down the road" in Cape Town is about a walk away...while in JHB you're looking at around 20km and getting around will become a big issue for many.
this is a very important fact to note. I could quite happily organise a nice braai at my dads place sometimes but i never bother doing it because I have this wonderful suspicion that not many furs from the North of Jozi/PTA would travel all the way to Alberton... which is sad... cuz i have a pool. and a braai. and several televisions.

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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by Leeward »

Here's a long-term suggestion: why not alternate between JHB and CPT? Have an event in JHB once every two years and an event in CPT once every two years on the years the JHB one isn't on. If that's too long a wait between local events, perhaps keep them both yearly and have the JHB one in spring and the CPT one in autumn. Or whatever.

The point of this suggestion is that it's a lot more fair towards both majorities because having it in BFN just makes everyone's life difficult (except those who happen to live there), and like that it's not always the same people who have to make the trip and those who can't travel very far are accommodated too.

I hate to sound fussy but there is simply no way I'm going to JHB for a convention unless I have a very good other reason to go as well.

Also Cape Town is awesome and deserves attention too.
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by Tetsudra »

Ivic-Wulfe wrote:But what we're looking at in respect to the convention is a place where we can get together
As a matter of interest, who is this "we"? From what I've seen a bunch of people want a bunch of different things from the con, so "we" can't be referring to the community at large.

I'm also curious as to the motivations here - you're using phrases like 'haven' and 'furs only', as if you're trying to set up some sort of sanctuary. Like we're an endangered species or something that needs sheltering. That's fine, but in my mind that's totally incompatible with the idea of hosting a convention. It also takes a very narrow view as to what furries "are", and how they're somehow "special" from the rest.

My point being, what you really seem to be after is a closed, private event, populated only by a very particular group of people, who need to meet an arbitrary standard of your choosing. So really, it's a club, not a convention.

And if you're going for a club, then call it a club. Make it a real club, with membership fees, a charter, and regular events at local chapters in CPT and JHB. I'm sure a bunch of us would happily pay (not donate, pay) monthly membership fees if it all rolled up into exclusive club activities we could enjoy every now and then, and club-specific benefits that are specific to the furry fandom, even if it's just stuff like newsletters, artist spotlights, organized furs-only gaming events, club announcements, etc.

If you're gonna persist in trying to plan a national convention in Bloemfontein though, despite all of my feedback and/or criticism, then there's not much else I can offer here, and I'll stop trying. I don't think a big-spend whiz-bang first-time national event is a good idea, definitely not in Bloemfontein, definitely not with an audience that doesn't have the sort of money it would take to attend and have a memorable time.
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by Raven Song »

Why does SA have to be so different? As far as my knowledge is concerner people travel from far and wide in the states and Europe to make cons. If people really wanted a con theyd make an effort to go regardless of city.

And Tesudra Ivic is most likely referring to the people he's spoken too, myself inclusive.
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by DanLeo427 »

Tetsudra... you are missing the entire point... a furry convention is exactly that, If you look at camp feral or antrocon, they all started out as a national FURRY gathering, for the furs by the furs to unite them over the vast span of their states. What Ivic is trying to do is exactly that. To get an event together for all the furs of South Africa. Big or not, success or failure.. honestly, we "we", the furs, would love to just get together and hang out, not worry about the neighbors and just frikken have fun... Exposure is a side effect, i totally get and like the idea of an "Altcon" but not in this case.
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by Rakuen Growlithe »

Leeward wrote:Here's a long-term suggestion: why not alternate between JHB and CPT? Have an event in JHB once every two years and an event in CPT once every two years on the years the JHB one isn't on. If that's too long a wait between local events, perhaps keep them both yearly and have the JHB one in spring and the CPT one in autumn. Or whatever.
That was the original plan. The first attempt was meant to cycle between Cape Town, Joburg and Port Elizabeth every three years.
Tetsudra wrote:I'm also curious as to the motivations here - you're using phrases like 'haven' and 'furs only', as if you're trying to set up some sort of sanctuary. Like we're an endangered species or something that needs sheltering. That's fine, but in my mind that's totally incompatible with the idea of hosting a convention. It also takes a very narrow view as to what furries "are", and how they're somehow "special" from the rest.

My point being, what you really seem to be after is a closed, private event, populated only by a very particular group of people, who need to meet an arbitrary standard of your choosing. So really, it's a club, not a convention.
I think you're exagerrating there. Most furry cons are intended for and attended nearly exclusively by furs. It's not about being special, it's about wanting to spend time with people who have similar interests. You can hang out with non-furs any time but to get together with other furs is often a much more difficult thing to accomplish. This is the same way all other furry conventions are run.
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by DanLeo427 »

Rakuen Growlithe wrote:I think you're exagerrating there. Most furry cons are intended for and attended nearly exclusively by furs. It's not about being special, it's about wanting to spend time with people who have similar interests. You can hang out with non-furs any time but to get together with other furs is often a much more difficult thing to accomplish. This is the same way all other furry conventions are run.
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by Ivic_Wulfe »

Leeward and Tetsudra, those are both fair points.


Jo-burg, Cape Town Chapters/Cons

JHB and CT separate meets won't work if by your logic we don't have the money to do anything. CT meets will be like CT a braai/get together much like JHB. Except at a higher cost.

I suggest Bloem for the first run because of the reasons I mentioned. It's different. It isn't just Gauteng/Cape Town and all the places that have been run through over and over again to many people. As well as cheaper accommodation and with a fair amount of potential. Either way someone is going to have to travel and it will cost money above con fees.

e.g. I worked through a place in Muldersdrift (yes, while I was working at my previous job I had some events management experience while booking training courses.) that our company thought was fairly cost effective. 1 day is R1050 per person if you want a shared bedroom 3 meals and a conference hall and their conference halls are tiny.

However as I said here I am open to moving the con but I would like some form of feedback that would give a similar feel.

I have been attempting to show you that having a meet at either of the hubs brings the problems that I have mentioned.

I haven't addressed other points brought up by you, Tetsudra, because I see that the people who post faster than me when I'm trying to be concise, have said what I would have said on the matter.
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by Leeward »

Ravensong wrote:Why does SA have to be so different? As far as my knowledge is concerner people travel from far and wide in the states and Europe to make cons. If people really wanted a con theyd make an effort to go regardless of city.
The people who attend those conventions are those who have the time and money to have fursuits and otherwise spend their time on frivolous hobbies and activities. Most of us here are furs only "part-time" and can't really afford that, in terms of both time and money. Also travelling within the US or within Europe is a lot cheaper than it is to travel around SA, because they have functional and safe public transport systems. It works there because their lifestyle and infrastructure can accommodate it. We can be as willing as we like but if we don't have the means, it's just not going to happen. Casuals like me won't make an effort, not because we don't really want to, but because it's not worth it for us.
Ivic-Wulfe wrote:Either way someone is going to have to travel and it will cost money above con fees.
Then rather inconvenience the least amount of people possible and have it at one of the densest points of population. That's why I suggested alternation between the two of those points, it makes the load fair, since they're sort of at opposite ends of the country.
Ivic-Wulfe wrote:I have been attempting to show you that having a meet at either of the hubs brings the problems that I have mentioned.
Just because it's in a big city doesn't mean it has to be a big event. I don't see the problem.
Rakuen Growlithe wrote:
Leeward wrote:Here's a long-term suggestion: why not alternate between JHB and CPT? Have an event in JHB once every two years and an event in CPT once every two years on the years the JHB one isn't on. If that's too long a wait between local events, perhaps keep them both yearly and have the JHB one in spring and the CPT one in autumn. Or whatever.
That was the original plan. The first attempt was meant to cycle between Cape Town, Joburg and Port Elizabeth every three years.
What stopped it? May as well learn from that experience.
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by DanLeo427 »

leeward, you know half the furs are either in CT or Jozi... so hosting a NATIONAL event at either just seriously inconveniences half of the furry populous in SA.

above that, getting a central location is easiest for the dedicated furs.. public transport in SA is not that expensive. check the bus fees...
Last edited by DanLeo427 on Tue Mar 10, 2015 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by Ivic_Wulfe »

Leeward wrote:What stopped it? May as well learn from that experience.
Lack of interest...and the points that I mention several times.
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by Leeward »

DanLeo427 wrote:leeward, you know half the furs are either in CT or Jozi... so hosting a NATIONAL event at either just seriously inconveniences half of the furry populous in SA.
That's precisely why I think alternating between the two would be better than having it in Bloemfontein because then if you can't make the trip to JHB/CPT you can go to the next one, and then only half the people have to travel as opposed to all.
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by DanLeo427 »

Leeward wrote:
DanLeo427 wrote:leeward, you know half the furs are either in CT or Jozi... so hosting a NATIONAL event at either just seriously inconveniences half of the furry populous in SA.
That's precisely why I think alternating between the two would be better than having it in Bloemfontein because then if you can't make the trip to JHB/CPT you can go to the next one, and then only half the people have to travel as opposed to all.
But the problem is that instead of 25 dedicated furs from each side going to bloem, only like 2-5 of them will actually make the trip to CT or jozi... thats not the idea.. the idea is making it a fair trip for all the furs who would like to come... You understand?
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by Tetsudra »

DanLeo427 wrote:Tetsudra... you are missing the entire point... a furry convention is exactly that
I'm not missing the point at all - I totally get what Ivic's trying to achieve here, and I totally understand how and why conventions of all sorts work, not just furry ones. Furry conventions are no more mysterious or unique than gaming or comic-book conventions - it's a collection of people that share common interests, looking for a place to immerse themselves in the alternative lifestyles they enjoy.

They are not, however, "havens" or "safe places". They're not meant to be insular, exclusive shelters. No successful convention I know of will turn away attendees just because they have a fleeting interest in the subject matter at hand, and happened to be available to attend, maybe even out of simple curiosity.

If you want that - if you want the group involved to all be of a particular type, and no outsiders are welcome, that's totally fine - but then you have to call it what it is. It's a club, not a convention.
Rakuen Growlithe wrote:I think you're exagerrating there. Most furry cons are intended for and attended nearly exclusively by furs.
I'm not the one doing the exaggeration. I've read everything Ivic has said about this con, and the trend is clearly towards a private event, furs-only, where they can engage in relative isolation from the world. All suggestions for increasing audience size, running an AltCon, or opening it up to international furs has been shot down in one way or another.

Again, nothing wrong with that, but as far as I'm concerned you can't call that a convention.
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by Ivic_Wulfe »

The furs dedicated to either side would inevitably stop coming for that very reason, reasoning that it would just be another meet with the furs they've met. In their own province which would mean that even furs from CT->JHB or JHB<-CT would would stop going because there's no one to meet anyway.

Take for instance Yote going down to CT. He posted on your page and there was conversation there about a meet-up...and guess person went to meet with him.

Tetsudra, I'm also not saying other people wouldn't be able to come. I am however saying that it should be a Fur majority. Not a fur minority that should attend. I haven't specifically said that and now I am.
AND THEN THE CAGE COMES DOWN! The cage with the Japanese fighting spiders inside, your mother strikes a match off her forearm and tells you to dance in the front room for money... - Dylan Moran
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by Raven Song »

You've obviously never been to a stamp collecting convention. I have. I had to become a member first and if you call it a club you are no longer a member. Its a convention. Because its more than just a group of people getting together to do what they normally do. Its a group of people getting together IN YEAR ONE to do what they normally do with people who share common interests that theyve never met before (ie jozi meets ct) wirh vision to expand in coming years.

Personally it makes no difference to me. Anyone who knows me well enough will know i act how i act regardless of scene or situation. But im one of the few like that. I know from braais here that furs arenr comfy sharing their ways with strangers (until we had alcohol. Then suddenly they were sharing). But if it works well for the first event, maybe next year it could be opened up.

Or you guys can keep arguing amongst yourselves... Makes no difference.

If theres one thing Ive learned from you guys its no one is entitled to their own opinion because they must "be doing it wrong".

Ill just got to european cons.
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by DanLeo427 »

Tetsudra wrote:
DanLeo427 wrote:Tetsudra... you are missing the entire point... a furry convention is exactly that
I'm not missing the point at all - I totally get what Ivic's trying to achieve here, and I totally understand how and why conventions of all sorts work, not just furry ones. Furry conventions are no more mysterious or unique than gaming or comic-book conventions - it's a collection of people that share common interests, looking for a place to immerse themselves in the alternative lifestyles they enjoy.
Yeah... that's what we want.
Tetsudra wrote:They are not, however, "havens" or "safe places". They're not meant to be insular, exclusive shelters. No successful convention I know of will turn away attendees just because they have a fleeting interest in the subject matter at hand, and happened to be available to attend, maybe even out of simple curiosity.
they kind of are... seeing as these cons give you a freedom to express what you love, they are a haven from the judgement of people either to closed minded to understand or haters to the fandom.
Tetsudra wrote:Again, nothing wrong with that, but as far as I'm concerned you can't call that a convention.
Dude seriously... you are being way to technical here. We call it a con because its a familiar word, something we now associate with large furry gatherings.
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by Tetsudra »

Ravensong wrote:If theres one thing Ive learned from you guys its no one is entitled to their own opinion because they must "be doing it wrong".
Everyone always does everything wrong! Way of the world. In the end, it doesn't really matter who's right - history rewards the people that act far more than the ones who discuss.
Ivic-Wulfe wrote:Tetsudra, I'm also not saying other people wouldn't be able to come. I am however saying that it should be a Fur majority. Not a fur minority that should attend. I haven't specifically said that and now I am.
So what is the line, then, that separates "Fur" from "non-Fur" for you? If you want to set acceptable attendance quotas, you're gonna need some criteria.
DanLeo427 wrote:they kind of are... seeing as these cons give you a freedom to express what you love, they are a haven from the judgement of people either to closed minded to understand or haters to the fandom.
You might have too romantic an idea of how conventions really work, haha. Go read up on the security Anthrocon needs every year because of drunk fuckwits and overall trolls. Human beings can be miserable creatures, furs are no different.

Plus, you don't need a major annual event to get that freedom of safe expression - you just need a circle of IRL friends that you see on a regular basis. You are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with, after all, and if furry expression is lacking in your life, getting more IRL furry friends is a far easier way to solve that than an expensive and complicated clubvention.
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by DanLeo427 »

You know what, all this is, is a big national gathering of furries. We want to call it a Con, we want to go have fun. Why should something so simple be made so damn unnecessarily complicated?

We have more than competent people at the top organizing this and making it possible for more people to attend at the same time.

This is the first meeting on a national level. it doesnt have to be huge, if ten furs pitch then its still gonna be fun.
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by Tetsudra »

@DanLeo If it's that simple, go ahead and set it up! You don't need anyone's permission.
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by Rakuen Growlithe »

Leeward wrote:What stopped it? May as well learn from that experience.
Mostly furs not committing. I tried to organize one of the Cape Town cons. I got stuck with being unable to give definite dates unless I reserved accommodation but being unable to reserve accommodation unless people gave a deposit and no one was willing to commit without everything being definite. We don't have the luxury of knowing enough people will come that we can spend money and expect to get it back.
DanLeo427 wrote:This is the first meeting on a national level. it doesnt have to be huge, if ten furs pitch then its still gonna be fun.
Third. Two South Afrifur conventions were successful before. The 2008 meet in Cape Town and the 2010 meet in Port Elizabeth.
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by DanLeo427 »

Tetsudra wrote:and if furry expression is lacking in your life, getting more IRL furry friends is a far easier way to solve that than an expensive and complicated clubvention.
Im not doing this for the furry expression, and All of my close friends are furs. Even the non furs know im a crazy expressive person when i want to be...

And this is my point... it didnt start out as a complicated thing... it was made that from over thinking and over expecting from some furs.

its a meet, like i said, its national.. yeah, its gonna be fun for the people there no matter the whatwhat.
Rakuen Growlithe wrote:
DanLeo427 wrote:This is the first meeting on a national level. it doesnt have to be huge, if ten furs pitch then its still gonna be fun.
Third. Two South Afrifur conventions were successful before. The 2008 meet in Cape Town and the 2010 meet in Port Elizabeth.
i stand corrected. So why should this one be any deferent?
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by Rakuen Growlithe »

DanLeo427 wrote:i stand corrected. So why should this one be any deferent?
Well you might notice those didn't manage to happen annually and haven't for the last five years. Hopefully with more furs around and fresh determination and ideas it will be able to have some staying power this time.
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by DanLeo427 »

Tetsudra wrote:@DanLeo If it's that simple, go ahead and set it up! You don't need anyone's permission.
Well you heard the man. lets set it up!
Oh wait... Its already being done?
Well would you look at that.
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by Raven Song »

DanLeo427 wrote:
Tetsudra wrote:@DanLeo If it's that simple, go ahead and set it up! You don't need anyone's permission.
Well you heard the man. lets set it up!
Oh wait... Its already being done?
Well would you look at that.
Im gonna put together a petition to get a like button put in this damned place...

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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by Leeward »

DanLeo427 wrote:But the problem is that instead of 25 dedicated furs from each side going to bloem, only like 2-5 of them will actually make the trip to CT or jozi... thats not the idea.. the idea is making it a fair trip for all the furs who would like to come... You understand?
I understand, but I still disagree that making it equally inconvenient for everyone is the best option. Making it fair on average (over several events) gives more variety and allows more to attend. Plus, if people are willing to travel to BFN, I'm fairly sure they're willing to travel further.
Ivic-Wulfe wrote:The furs dedicated to either side would inevitably stop coming for that very reason, reasoning that it would just be another meet with the furs they've met. In their own province which would mean that even furs from CT->JHB or JHB<-CT would would stop going because there's no one to meet anyway.
I don't think so; if people from the other side are coming, it'll be incentive for the locals to attend and meet them. It's a snowball effect: the more people are interested, the more show up, the more are interested, etc.
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by Scratch »

OK, I'm gonna weigh in on some of the pros and cons of the conversation that's going on so far:

Calling it a convention:
We can call it an IRL conference call or "ZA-Fur Made Manifest" for all I care, I just want it to happen. Splitting hairs about what it's called is pointless. Nobody here expects an AnthroCon or MFF scale event, and anyone coming in from outside the known message channels will need to be informed of whats to be expected. Chances are, all channels point back to, at the very least, the Zafur forums, so information will be presented here for all to peruse.

Hosting it in Bloemfontein:
*** PROS ***
- Centralized location: The con does not favour one cluster of furs more than the other. It's a drive for nearly everyone involved. It makes the investment higher, sure, but you know the people who will be there will be there with bells on.
- Majority are away from home: This keeps people from taking their ball and going home if they have an issue with anyone else there. We'd like as much interaction between the different furs as possible, not cliques or clusters or people sitting on their own.
- Secure location: Bloem campus is secure, there's access control, there's security, there's bedding, there are venues we can use. Holy tits.
- Scale is adaptable: If 10 furs show up, we can host them. If 100 furs show up, we can host them. There's no driving around between hotels, motels and B&Bs because we can expand quite a lot before this venue becomes too small, or scurry to change reservations at one place or another because the numbers changed.
- Not in the boonies: There will be shops, cell phone signal and, at the very least, a Steers. Also no camping in tents, which means nobody has to BUY a tent just for the occasion.

*** CONS *** (and suggested solutions and methods of mitigation)
- Far from home: This is an issue, of course. I myself would have to drive 1000 kilometers to get there.
-+Solution: You have a year to organize a lift. Go.
- Expensive: It will cost more than it would to have a braai at someone's house. You have to drive and book for rooms and meals.
-+ Solution: Have a braai at someone's house. This is a big event, and it will cost money. With proper budgeting, you can save up for this in under a year. Put away R200 a month (2 x going to the movies or 1 decent night out) and you'll be good to go.
- A lot of effort: You have to drive and there will be people and you think you might not be fun and you have a headache.
-+ Solution: Stay home. As mean as it sounds, if you think it will be too much or not wirth your time in one way or another, don't go. We're not forcing anyone in on this, but we want the people who want to attend to get the best experience we can offer.

Having it in CT and JHB separately
*** PROS ***
- More convenient: People are closer by, they can drive home when they want.
- Smaller scale: Less people, less distance, less money, less planning.
- Can be done more frequently: The local furs know one another better and can get together any time, making impromptu fur meets.

*** CONS ***
- Not our original intention: We want to get the furs from all over SA, as well as a few people who would like to join of their own accord, together in one place for a weekend of activities and stuff.
- Easier to bail: It would be easy for someone to drive the, say, 50 - 100 km home from an event venue if someone or something pissed them off. I'm not saying they should be forced to interact with everyone all the time, but it would be a bit of a mood killer if someone goes home instead of just blowing off steam, calming down and rejoining the event, instead of just leaving. Also drunk driving.

Having it in CT and JHB alternately
*** PROS ***
- One small investment, one big: You pay a smaller amount for a meet in your home province, and more for one in the other one.
- More metropolitan area: It's not out in the wilderness, again.
- Convenient for some: A good chunk of the people attending will live closer by, so they're more likely to come.

*** CONS ***
- One big investment, one small: People will likely skip the year that the event is not in their home province, since there will be one there next year anyway, so why bother? This might be a personal interpretation, but it's not a rare one, or an argument to be disregarded.
- More expensive: In the metropolitan areas, CT and JHB are hella expensive. I don't claim to know what the prices are for accommodation at other universities, but I know hotels and B&Bs are not cheap.
- Less control / security in city: Again, the metro areas are dangerous, easy to get lost in, and hard to keep track of guests in.
- No consistency: Maybe one of the events is better than the other, and then that event draws less people because the other one is superiour in every way. Then the other will stop drawing people and we're back to either JHB or CT.

Wall of text over


We're looking to hold a big fur meet, con, whatever in one location. Bloem seems to be a very good option for a lot of reasons. It's inconvenient, sure, but not unfair. We'll all be together in one place as a big happy furry family and that's what we really hope to achieve.

I'll tackle the economic side at a later point. I want to rest my fingers first.
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by DanLeo427 »

@Scratch. thank you for summing that all up, highly appreciated!
Also I agree 100%
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Re: Convention Q&A


Post by Tetsudra »

@Scratch So you're saying the entry cost is definitely R2400 then?
Scratch wrote:With proper budgeting, you can save up for this in under a year. Put away R200 a month (2 x going to the movies or 1 decent night out) and you'll be good to go.
I'd like to see what that covers, really - a breakdown of all the costs, what the event will cost at 10, 25, 50 participants, what the recovery rate needs to be at each level, and if donations will subsidize everything.

Mainly because, of that R2400, someone driving from Cape Town is going to spend anywhere from R350 (if they take 3 passengers) to R1700 (alone) for fuel. And depending on the time of year, flights will be anything from R2000 to R3000 return.