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Construct Discovery

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 12:34 pm
by Brutallis
Well, as some of you know, my Alter-ego finds the written word to be a succubus with pen and blank paper to be her leach and whip, thus here is a story that the human fool is busy with. I thought I might give him some advice or criticism that I am too lazy to think of myself and will just relay your advice and critique straight to him and pass it off as my own.

Note: This story was actually supposed to have a Prequel, but I started the story where I wanted to and decided to write what I wanted to and figure out how it fit into my timeline later. So as one would see, the story starts off as a man tells his grandson the Prequel, which he did not listen to as it was too boring and he only heard the last few sentences... and so it begins. And please, feel free to comment and leave any feedback. :D

Re: Construct Discovery

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 12:36 pm
by Brutallis
Part one: Prologue


With the certificate in hand he quickly ran out and exclaimed, ‘Made it! I really thought that I would never have gotten this damn thing. What do you think Rodger?’ Rodger did not speak for he was too stoned to respond, he did however raise his monkey skull full of testicles in agreement. ‘Yep, that’ll do, that’ll do.’

The End

What, did that not say enough? Hold on just a second there. Do you mean you did not hear any of that? Just the last sentence? My stars, for a grandchild you’re really bad at listening to stories aren’t you. Well I’ll tell it again… TOO BORING! Hmh, back in my day we did not have things like television to keep us up all night. Well I guess that I could go on, and I guess we could take off the child safe filters on this story. Just don’t tell your Grandma, you know how she gets when you say or even think of a word warmer than ‘poop’. But don’t say I did not warn you.


Re: Construct Discovery

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 12:49 pm
by Brutallis
Part 2: Chapter 1 – When the eagle gets its license

There he was in the clouds, with a casual helping of pot, and could not believe that after so long and so many trails with his friends (study buddies) he was there. So from then on he was at home lying on his bed waiting for The Science Show to come on, it was then that he finally snapped, “Things are too quiet. Something should have gone wrong by now.” Henry looked over at the stack of documents on his desk which he guesses will no longer be used as it had been in the past. “No, please not something with the certificate!” He quickly ran over to his desk and picked at the individual letters and forms, reaching the one he sought after, a frown appeared on his forehead almost by itself. He slowly opened the brown paper envelope to reveal the prize inside, a very thick certificate. The extremely glossy finish of the paper redirecting sunlight straight into his eyes and for a moment he was blind. His vision came back slow and blurred, but he was relieved as no faults or misprints were anywhere to be seen. That is what he was looking for, any sign of a mistake or other problem which could rear its ugly head.

Looking closer at the piece of stiff paper between his fingers he realized, ‘This certificate was so much trouble to get… what if it was not even worth it?’ Suddenly the stack of letters and envelopes fell to the floor, the ones he had stacked too precariously just seconds before. Henry jumped, cussing “fuck!”

I warned you this story was good, this is going to be a wild and scary ride kid. Are you sure you want to hear all of this? Well ok then…

Then a single envelope in particular grabbed his attention, it was completely cyan in colour and had a strange seal on it that Henry did not recognize. “IGSCB” He read on the seal, it seemed familiar now upon closer inspection. “That’s right, the Inter-Galactic Services Control Board. ‘The conductor to your future in the stars and beyond’ ” He spat almost instantly by habit. Maybe I should not open it right now; I really like to have nothing going wrong thus far. He paused for just a small second taking in a breath of what he thought was his last problem free breath for a while yet. He ripped the seal off and unfolded the letter. The subject line read, “Certificate of completion, IGS number and confirmation of membership.” Nothing bad as of yet, but let me just hold my breath for in case.

Dear Mr H.R. Freelouw

Regarding your course and request for membership induction into the IGSCB, I would hereby like to congratulate you on your completion of the course as well as your acceptance for membership from this controlling body.
Please find attached your certificate confirming your course completion as well as your IGS membership number, which serves as an Identification number for foremost authorities as well as to be used as an access number to IGS centres which are registered with the IGSCB. The number and membership also grants you (the member) access to further membership in other Inter Galactic bodies as well as the Inter Galactic Human Armada (IGHA) with which you can further apply for clearance with the Inter Galactic Federation (IGF) for Inter Galactic territory transit.

As discussed with the Register of Earth/Galactic Relations [Prof. J.L. Robert], we have applied on your behalf to the Inter Galactic Human Armada (IGHA) and will forward any correspondence in a timely manner as well as notify you of any change or problem regarding your acceptance.

Kind Regards
Capt. A. Morrigan (Honrs. Bsin-Aro.)
Head of Skills Development

Henry nodded, feeling pleased with his achievement - and that meeting with Capt. Morrigan. After all he had done for the Board; the least they could do was a bit of admin for him. He looked over to the certificate again; I guess the motto of the IGSCB is right and that the conductor gave me the ticket to my FUTURE… That’s so corny. But it’s true I guess.

He went to lie on his bed with the rest of the letters and envelopes going through them one by one to make sure he had not missed something important. Lo and behold, there was something he should read. The letter was in a simple envelope that only had him as addressee.

Application for Membership ~ IGS-951003/9/IGSCB5

To whom it may concern

Please note that the application for membership on behalf of [Mr H.R. Freelouw ~ IGS-951003/9/IGSCB5] has been received.
Note that from this point all correspondence and notices will be sent to only the applicant and your involvement in the application will be severed. As a matter of professional courtesy we will be forwarding a copy of the outcome of the application to you (IGSCB).

Regarding the application itself, you the applicant shall be receiving correspondence in relation to the proceeds of the application within Three (3) weeks for this notice, forwarding of such notice is at own advice.


Vice Councilman, Head of Membership disputes (IGHA)
G.F. Parker

The letter was proof; nothing bad was going to happen. As if per request his old cell phone began to ring. I never use that phone, why would someone call me on that one. He began walking from his bedroom to the kitchen where he had put the old phone on a continuous charge since the battery was utter shat. The last time I used that phone was…when I signed up for the course… and gave my number… my old number… With the speed of lightning on crack-cocaine he ran to the phone. “Shit. Shit. Shit. Shhhiiiiiittt!”

Henry quickly grabbed the phone, the phone covered in bite-marks from Rodger’s German Shepard, Bronko and his sweet Saint-Bernard Sasha.

“Hello.” He said with the words Shit shit shit shit shit chiming in his head.

A female voice responded on the other side of the call. “Good afternoon Mr Freelouw. My name is Dora I am phoning on behalf of Councilman Parker,” Henry jumped out of his skin, The letter from the IGHA! “I am calling in relation to your application for membership in the IGHA. I would like to hereby confirm your application and congratulate you on your induction. With this in mind I am also instructed to tell you that your application has been pulled by Councilman Parker for further evaluation.”

“That doesn’t sound good…” You state out aloud.

Henry senses the female’s smile coming through the phone. “Don’t worry Mr Freelouw that is a good thing. That means that you might be of great importance to us.” Now it was Henry’s turn to smile. That sounds more like the day that he deserved. “Now Mr Freelouw, Councilman Parker will speak to you personally in just a short while please stay contactable.” With that, the phone was dead in his ear. Great now I’m nervous.

With that he put down the phone and made himself some coffee, which always did help him relax and get amped when he needed each respectively. He made it calm, just one scoop of coffee would do. Looking over at the old phone, he paused. “You’re going to ring the second I start pouring this scolding hot water aren’t you?” The phone did not respond as it was a phone and not a complex sentient being. “I should totally get Rodger to make that thing be able to comprehend its own existence. That would be funny…” Henry thought back to the time Rodger gave a bong sentience. “That was the best Party ever!” He was laughing out aloud now. Henry took his coffee and put it down on the kitchen counter. Looking down at his hands he realized that he was shaking, “Must be the nerves, I really hope it’s the nerves and not it…”

Flashbacks to a much bloodier time came to mind, images of dread, sorrow, pain, chaos and anguish. He was back there, in the dream or what he hoped was a dream. It was always the same and he knew what it meant, but he never saw what he thought he should see. The scene was the same as usual; a single dusty star illuminated the sky. He was always running and stopping only to eat some crisps that were lying around the town never having an actual presence. He then ran on and picked up some twigs and sticks that were sticking out of the ground, he liked to snap them and rip the bark off of them, sometimes even with his teeth. At which point the twigs would leak sap that tasted exactly like maple syrup. He liked sucking it dry and occasionally when he felt like it, chewing and swallowing the twig. It had the sweet taste of sugar cane.

“I need a fucking cigarette.”

Snatching his packet from his room he quickly strolled out of his house with a coffee in one hand, and a cigarette in the other. Luckily he remembered to bring his old phone.

End of Chapter 1

Re: Construct Discovery

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 1:01 pm
by Leeward
I'm liking it so far. :)

Re: Construct Discovery

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 1:08 pm
by Brutallis
Leeward wrote:I'm liking it so far. :)
Thank you :D

Re: Construct Discovery

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 1:19 pm
by Cape_F0X
No. It's so unrealistic, who still gets mail?

Just kidding. Most other people can't describe mail like this or old study material.

Re: Construct Discovery

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 1:23 pm
by Brutallis
I guess it felt like a letter would seem more official.

Re: Construct Discovery

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 1:30 pm
by Cape_F0X
Yes it does. This story is clearly not set here. It would never have begun due to the post service.

Re: Construct Discovery

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 1:35 pm
by Brutallis
Ahaha, well i should note that he got the letters when he completed the course, they gave him like a bundle of letters with his certificate

Re: Construct Discovery

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 1:46 pm
by Cape_F0X
I forgot that happens. It has been to long since I received a certificate. (Matric)

Re: Construct Discovery

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 2:07 pm
by Brutallis
Autor's note: Regarding the story's rating, I should say that there are parts of it that has mature content, however those parts: A. Still need to be written, B. I will be posting it on the yiffy forum for those who would want to read those parts.

Note on that note: The mature parts will not disrupt the story in any way meaning that even if you never read those parts you would still get the full story, it is more of a little bit of candy for the mature reader.

Re: Construct Discovery

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 5:04 pm
by Sev
Cape_F0X wrote:No. It's so unrealistic, who still gets mail?

Just kidding. Most other people can't describe mail like this or old study material.
It's funny that you say that, the Small Claims Court couldn't believe that I had sent my letter of demand via email rather than snail mail.

Re: Construct Discovery

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 1:39 pm
by Brutallis
Chapter 2 - To earn one’s wings, one needs to have done so in a prequel

Henry enjoyed his strolls, it was a lovely pastime, and it helped him forget about his problems, for a while at least. He slowly brought the cigarette up to his lips and sucked on the spongy filter between his index and middle finger. The smoke filled his lungs and slowly began going to work, nicotine shot into his bloodstream giving him a very familiar head rush that he loved. It made him feel alive and calm the dreams. Heh, Dreams, that’s all that they are. Dreams.

“I wonder at what time Jåcob will get home, she always seems to catch me off guard.” Henry sat down on the park bench; the area had two parks with one being close to the entrance of the estate and one up the street on the other side of the estate. “Wow, it’s been over two years now since we got married. And still as beautiful as ever." He started thinking on how her hair flowed in the wind and how her eyes looked up at him as she tried to… His phone jumped out of his pocket as it started to ring, Hooooly crap that’s loud!

“Good evening, my name is Mr Parker. How are you this fine day?” There was a pause. This is the councilman? He’s so calm, why is he so calm.

“Ehem!” The man on the other end of the phone cleared his throat. “Are you still there Mr Freelouw?” He snapped back to reality, “Yes, I’m here Mr Parker. What can I help you with?” he paused to give the man a chance to speak, taking in a sip of coffee as he did so.

“You seem to have a really good track record Mr Freelouw, and it seems your fame has surpassed you. When your file landed on my desk, I was shocked by the expression on my assistant’s face as she put it down. Apparently she had seen your movie…”

“Movie?” Henry said, as if he would ever make a movie.

“Yes, well that is more a figure of speech. She could not stop talking about the tales of Mr Henry Freelouw. I think she took half an hour just to tell me of your flight prowess. But I digress; the real reason for my call tonight is to tell you that, in the light of your prestige on record and the tales of your bravery I would like to personally ask you if you want to be a Capt. for the IGHA; to represent us on the other side of the cosmos. What do you say Mr Henry Freelouw?”

Now it was his turn to laugh and make a joke, “Me, a Captain? You must be pulling my leg! Is this Rodger? Are you screwing with me man?! You dick!”

There was a long pause followed by an intake of breath from the other side. “Mr Freelouw, I can assure you that this is the real Councilman Parker” His heart stopped, Rodger did not know of the letter… Shit!
“I’m so sorry Mr Parker; I really thought that it was one of my friends pulling a prank on me.”

He sighed, “That’s fine, and I just need an answer Mr Freelouw.”

Henry stopped mid stride to think, this is big, like being selected to be a representative captain big. After all I went through, I am finally getting a break aren’t I? Well let’s not get ahead of ourselves, this is a big responsibility and this would mean that I will be out THERE a lot. Can I do this, being a space captain and represent Earth in the galactic sphere? Am I truly ready for the responsibility of this? Yes, yes I am. After fighting to get to the top I should be able to handle whatever the universe can throw at me. But this is really big, I mean I will get to meet leaders of other worlds and interact with beings smarter, faster and stronger than I am. Will I make it?

As if sensing the proposed captain’s feelings, Mr Parker quickly chimed in. “This is a very big responsibility and if you would like to take a day to answer me, that’s fine to. However I have to say that you will be in a higher position than what you were trained for in the IGSCB’s course. On account of your spectacular and simply put ‘perfect’ performance as an acting class 3 Captain and mock pilot, you will be called the first and probably the only Level 5 licensed captain.”

Ok, now this is big. Class 5, I was not even allowed to look at a ship higher than Class 2 transports let alone pilot and act as stand in captain for a class 3 military vessel. There had only total of 5 Class 4 Captains in existence. They were the heavy hitters and that was only for Intergalactic war. Giant ships like Inter Galactic Star Cruisers, one captain for each, and even then there was a huge screening process to match a qualified captain to the ship itself, and after that you will get the rank of Level 4 captain. If Mr Parker wants to make me a Level 5 Captain or even Level 4 it would mean that they would have to build the ship based on my specifications and my piloting style. That is a tall ask, a ship like that could cost over… like… ₡500 Trillion… and what if they make it and they botch the build or I botch the ships calibration phase…

“Are you sure sir, the ship would cost a butt load of money and it would have to be made to fit me… What if I screw it up or it gets made in the wrong way?!” Mr Parker took a deep breath.

“Henry, listen to me very carefully. I did not ask you to question my judgement of you and my choice in financial planning. What I asked you; was whether you wanted to do it? I also did not ask if you could do it, that much I do know for a fact.”

“I am speechless Mr Parker. I guess… no, I would be honoured.”

There was a pause from Mr Parker on the other end of the line, “Then we are done talking. That was all that I needed, congratulations Mr Freelouw…” he stopped mid-sentence “… no, my apologies. Captain Freelouw. Congratulations on your appointment. The IGHA will be in contact with you on the issue of your licence and the other needed paperwork, regarding your assigned ship Capt. Freelouw. Your ship as you so pointed out must be tailored to your personal captaining and pilot’s style. With this in mind, I would like to inform you that a transport will need to pick you up to take you straight to the IGHA headquarters on the Frankston Islands. I just want to ask, when will you be prepared to leave?”

This is really happening isn’t it? I am so pumped right now!

“Not long Mr Parker, I have some things to pack but just the essentials. I just need to know, how long about will I be away?”

The calibration phase and the fitting could go on for weeks. I can’t leave without… O my fuck! My wife!!!

“My wife!!” Henry exclaimed. Not really thinking before yelling it into the man’s ear.


“I swear I will call every day and every night honey.” There was a pause on the other end of the line and Henry anxiously waited for his wife’s reply. What comes from the other side was not what he had expected at all. Instead of a huge fit and probably a trip to the local police station for an assault charge on a shopping clerk was a calm sigh, one of disappointment and utter sadness. “Henry, I’m going to be honest with you. I really would like to beat up the guy behind this row of shoes,” Henry could picture the man nervously shuffling away from this frustrated bear on the other side. “However I must note how big this is for you. After explaining to me for an hour without letting me speak, I do feel like you deserved this after all you have been through. And put me through might I add!” she softly counted to ten and took a deep breath blowing the air out as if after a puff of a cigarette. “Well, I guess you had better get packing Henry or you’ll keep the boss man waiting. Oh… my apologies… Captain Henry.” Henry could hear the smile and pride behind her voice and wish he were there to hug his wife.

“But wait, I’ll probably be gone before you get back this afternoon. I could tell them to wait until I can get a chance to say goodbye?”

“No, don’t keep them waiting. You know how those big companies get when you make them wait.” She was right and Henry knew that. Inter Galactic companies were known for their inpatient ways, especially when it come to the things they wanted.

“You’re right…”
“I’m always right Henry.” He smiled, she was in good spirits, or she was pretending to be. What matted now was that he was going off to the Frankston Islands for his fitting. This was going to be awesome, he just knew it.

*End of Chapter 2 Part 1*

Re: Construct Discovery

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 1:44 pm
by Brutallis
*Chapter 2 Part 2*

Being fitted for a ship was the equivalent to having an Apollo 92 rocket tailor made just for you. This means that any other pilot that steps into that seat will not be able to even start up the microwave in the ship’s kitchen (more of a restaurant or mess hall than a kitchen)

When a ship of this size and magnitude is built it would be for the express purpose of far reaching Inter Galactic travel and relations. This means that the ship would be outside the boarders of Earth and her influence for long periods of time. A rule of thumb for an Inter Galactic ship worth more than a rusty plastic spoon is that that captain would be the owner of the ship and the contents as well as her cargo. The captain of such a vessel would not only be the owner of the ship but the representative of Earth and all her inhabitants. Not that the ship could not communicate with Earth and home command, it was just that the signal, even traveling at the speed of light would take several months to reach the recipient and then months to years to reach the sender with a response, as the signal would travel back to a sender that was moving away at a fundamental speed. The worst case scenario would be where the message never makes it to Earth or that the reply did not make it to the ship in time, or at all for that matter.

Having an independent representative from Earth who could hold her best interest at heart and still make independent and split life or death decisions was the critical and necessary option. The need to keep the representative in chair and to discourage pirating of the vessel as well as a mutiny was also essential to the survival of the ship.

Now with that in mind there was still the problem of a rogue captain, in Henry’s case that was an all too real possibility (Not that he was a traitor, but the ship would cost a lot of credits, man hours, red tape, resources, rare one-of-a-kind recourses, educated minds, skilled workers and valuable genes that will now be locked up in an airtight box floating off to Rodger knows where into Rodger knows what. [Rodger did a lot of drugs and ended up in places farther than 60 light-years away. That man has seen some shit.] A ship worth that much in aggregate would make for a big leak if it went off-grid...

I digress, to battle or to keep the captain from bolting off with a (shit) ton of money and recourses, they would have to install some kind of regulator for decisions made, or at least assess the options. The assistance of the captain in calculations and for other options to a seemingly impossible task was also in the job description for this ‘regulator’ Of course we are referring to an A.I. Unit (Artificial Intelligence).

About a butt load of years ago a man by the name of B. S. Hoppy made a breakthrough in A.I.Technology. However it was a bitter sweet victory for Artificial Intelligence. To compensate for a consciousness he had to use a template to form the basis of the comprehension mechanism…

Wait are you bored with the details already? Fine, long story short: Man made AI it was based off of a dog brain. Dog brain could only follow orders and not make decisions for itself and had to be remodelled. They took a dead lady’s brain who was very playful but mischievous and badda Bing badda boom you have an AI template for all future AI to come, of a computer filling the men’s locker room with helium to make them sound funny.

There, now you have the dumbed down version and the hollow one at that.

There was a boom outside as the transport left its upper-sonic speed and then a huge wind blew all over and into Henry’s house, Jåkob is going to blow a fuse when she gets home to see all of the dust in the house. The transport landed on the single lane tar road that lead from the busy suburb streets to the security complex they were staying at. I don’t think I ever gave them my home address come to think of it. The huge wigs of the (smallest class) of transport barely missed the roves of the houses to each side of the road. Four steaming black spots on the tarmac gave away the exhaust vents for the engines.

The transport was a grey colour as opposed to the usual white with orange stripes which was the norm for a transport of that size. They usually worked shuttles between the Earth and our neighbour the Moon. These ships were Class 0 meaning you only had to have an advanced pilot’s license and a competency certificate for orbital space flight. Four engines drove the ship with the two main engines sitting right inside the main wings and the other two known as the angel wings were positioned at the back on the tail which could, as the mock name implies, be used as a pair of angel wings to save the ship in the event of complete loss of the main wings.

The cargo door slowly lowed to reveal a man standing and facing Henry with his hands folded behind his back as a soldier would stand. He wore a black suit and white shirt, the shirt was finished off with a neatly tied tie. This guys is important, Henry noted I’ll best not to piss him off until at least tomorrow. The man in the suit was old and had grey hair. He was not build like a bull on steroids, more like a formal businessman would be, thin and long. He had bags under his eyes as well as smile lines at the corners of them. The man extended his hand in greeting as the engines went into idle. Henry could barely hear him speak as he introduced himself, “Good afternoon Captain Freelouw. Councilman Parker pleased to finally meet your acquaintance!”

This is Councilman Parker; he is much less scary in person than on the phone. He must have really been anxious to meet me if he came all this way.

Henry stepped into the transport and the door started to slowly retract as the engines began to whistle just as only an air fuelled jet engine could. The sound was always beautiful to him, it made him sleepy when he heard it, and it was just so nice.

The door was now sealed and the transport started to gun it to break the sonic barrier. It was then that Councilman Parker turned in his seat to Henry. “Must be nice to be flying again?” Parker knows my weakness, flying.

*End of Chapter 2 Part 2*

Re: Construct Discovery

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 1:46 pm
by Brutallis
As always, please feel free to comment and leave some critique, it will be a huge help. :-D

Re: Construct Discovery

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 2:59 pm
by Tocs
Honestly I'm just enjoying reading it, I'm sorry I have completely forgotten to comment haha, but personally I'm just enjoying it

Re: Construct Discovery

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 3:25 pm
by Brutallis
Tocs wrote:Honestly I'm just enjoying reading it, I'm sorry I have completely forgotten to comment haha, but personally I'm just enjoying it
Thank you Tocs :mrgreen:

To be completely honest, if only one person enjoys the story then I think it has done its job. So thank you for giving this purpose. It sincerely means a lot.

Re: Construct Discovery

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 4:22 pm
by Brutallis
Chapter 3 – As snug as a Captain fitting for a Class 5 Inter Galactic War cruiser… in a rug

Part 1

The facility was built like a Space agency mission control, with towers lining the skyline and large flat white buildings spread across the neatly sized island. The landscape was decorated with lab coats and suits going about their busniness. There was the occasional high visibility jacket here and there as large craft were moved and parked. Henry could see from his small window that there were two Class 3 Star cruisers docked at the hangar. A space port if there ever was one on earth. This place is rigged and friggen expensive. It must have cost a large fortune. I really hope I do not bulldoze half of the island when the ship takes its first calibration run.

‘Magnificent, isn’t it? We spent over 320 billion on this complex… However, that is small change compared to the 23 Sextillion we are spending on that new ship…’

‘jebsus…’ the words escaped him before he could think.

Councilman Parker looked over at the virgin Captain. ‘I did not take you as a religious man Capt. Freelouw. Yes, it is a lot of credits… and that kind of money would buy us a nice retirement planet with only beaches and oceans made of gold, beach babes catering to our every whim, drinking liquid diamonds, eating platinum plated gold crisps on the backs of genetically engineered beer unicorns, but… how boring would that be? Hmm?’

He sat back for a second, thinking of something, ‘A sextillion contains 21 zeros if you were wondering.’

Now he’s just bragging.

The transport started to descend upon a landing pad near the second tallest tower in the complex. The big cheese’s landing pad, I guess. Once the transport ship touched the landing pad with its landing struts the cargo door swung open. Six heavily armed soldiers came storming in and pointed their guns at Henry, the foremost one yelled in a robotic sounding voice, “Get on the floor, hands behind your head!” Two soldiers stormed in and quickly ripped Henry from his seat, slamming him to the transport’s floor.

Henry, as one would expect from such a situation; was stunned and scared, however contrary to popular belief, the first question that one askes in such a predicament is not the classic “Please don’t kill me!” or the ever popular “I want my mommy!”

“WHAT THE HELL! GET OFF OF ME YOU PIECES OF SHIT!” Henry stopped and went completely stiff, he could not move. Oh please dear Luna no! Please no! What’s wrong with me?! Something snapped inside him… now he was pissed… and then he passed out…


What did you think; this was going to go smooth? You know it never seems to end well for Henry and his friend Rodger.
Yep, he does pass out a lot doesn’t he? Oh I forgot you fell asleep in the first story!
I’ll remember that when you when you make a speech one day, I’ll fall asleep.


There was a noise, a fuzzy one however and if Henry could concentrate hard enough he could almost hear what it was.

“… that was what I was afraid of… Yes, this was…”

Another voice different from this one came through, it sounded angry.

“… we simply cannot have it! …the damages… do you even…”

The first speaker came through more clearly now,

“It wasn’t his fault, you jumped him! That was the problem and you know that if I take this to court you will be personally liable for this. Two words, ‘Self Defence’ those two words give me and my client reasonable doubt…”

The other speaker also came in more clearly and it was obvious to Henry that this person was on the back foot.

“That… you can’t possibly pin this on me! And… and your ‘Client’ destroyed half the facility and mutilated three quarters of my staff!”

The first speaker spoke slowly and softly.

“Do you really want the legal burden on you as well as the fees? This is a legal battle you will not win; you can either get a fifty-fifty share in the blame or you could get full accountability for damages and trauma compensation. That is, IF I do not hint at my client to counter-sue. I’m talking emotional trauma counselling, mental rehabilitation, physical injury compensation, reckless endangerment of innocent bystanders, and breach of a Class Zed subject’s containment efforts. That last one alone will, with no doubt in my mind, involve the Earth Internal Defence’s terrorism division.

I can see the Headlines now; ‘Councilman attempts terrorist attack by releasing volatile Class Zed subject.’ That should put you and the whole of the IGHA on the map for planetary terrorism. Do you want me to go on?”

Henry knew whatever this was, the first guy just landed a spirit bomb of a legal case on this guy’s ass and that spirit-bomb was only just a story of what the real spirit-bomb could do.

The second speaker took in a sharp breath; Henry could open his eyes just a little. The man was blurry but it was clear to him by the man’s expression that he had either just shat himself or had just seen his own eyes explode. The first speaker was around a corner of some sorts; Henry could not make it out.

“…I…you… this…”

“Now that we have the damages settled, I would like to talk to you about my client getting his just deserts. If you deny him the right to the object…” the man spoke softer, “I will personally make sure that my entire firm and my partners in finance rip this armada into pieces and make you the last remaining headless chicken running around.”

Then the first man stepped into view, he was blurry at first but then Henry could focus more on his face.

The man was in a very expensive looking suit and tie; he had a Briefcase on his side and a sympathetic smile on his face…

It was Rodger…

“You and I have a lot to talk about my old friend…”

At that moment, Henry felt sleep overtake him, it might have been some strong drugs or the fact that Rodger was in a suit, or that Rodger in a suit just legally raped the councilman in front of him. Either way he was asleep.

So what now?

*End of Chapter 3, Part 1*