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A small bit of horror (Contains swearing)

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 6:09 pm
by rusted hydra
Well not great horror. though thanks for reading if you do.
this is a WIP(work in progress) and has been so for 2 months, the following is a small section of it.

Sometimes Annika thought someone was out to get her. A noise woke her up and she couldn’t figure out what it was. When she got up to go to the bathroom the lights didn’t come on, and she couldn’t find her phone or lighter.
It has been 2 weeks since she woke up hearing voices. The worst about that event was her blanket was pulled off her. She didn’t see anyone in the room or any sign of someone being there.

She was making her way back to her room walking slowly with one hand extended in front of her and one on the wall. She had a strange feeling while straining her eyes to see in the dark, a similar feeling to 2 weeks ago, a feeling that something was there. But unlike back then she didn’t have a light to see if there was anything there. She actually felt afraid. Any moment she might run right into a shoggoth and she would never see it coming.

Though her fears peaked as she reached her bedroom door, she felt the skin on her back crawl as her mind imagined hands striking out to grab her rear. She quickly darted into her room and shut the door quickly behind her. She stood holding the door shut; she held her breath waiting for something to suddenly bang on the door.

When she heard nothing she let go of the door and gave a small sigh. She felt rather ridiculous panicking like that for nothing. She was sure this was all just a product of an overactive imagination and too many horror games. She slowly padded towards her bed and sat down on the side. She dropped over backwards and landed with her bare back onto something covered with slime. Her heart skipped a beat and she screamed “Fuck!” as she nearly jumped out her furr. She sprang up off the bed and ran straight into the door with a loud bang. She didn’t stop to pay attention to the pain, she grabbed the door handle and pulled it but it didn’t open.

“Fuck-Fuck-Fuck!” she yelled hysterically as she started to rattle the door.

“Please st-stop sc-sc-screaming…” said a soft, female voice, though Annika didn’t hear it over the commotion she was making.

“Mom! Dad! Help!” She called for help. She could feel it approaching her. She needed to get out before it got her. She grabbed the door handle with both hands and tugged violently, hoping she could break the door open.

“No, please, you’re going to hurt yourself,” she heard it say right behind her. The door wasn’t going to open. Her only choice now was to try fighting it until her parents came. She turned around and held her fists up in an attempt to look threatening, but it really wasn’t working with how much she was shaking.

Whatever crazy thought that lead to her thinking she could fight it disappeared when she stared into the darkness and saw six red eyes watching her.

“Get the fuck away from me!” she screamed. She shut her eyes and swung her fist at where the eyes were. Her fist connected against something but it was as if she hit a block of rubber, her blow simply bounced off.

Then suddenly something engulfed her face and gripped her whole head tightly. She couldn’t breathe or see, and it was slimy. She opened her mouth and tried to gnaw at it but only got a mouthful of slime. She felt sick and was starting suffocate.

“CALM DOWN!” boomed a voice so loud it shook her body.
It released her head and she dropped to the ground. She spat out the slime and gasped for air. As much as she might have enjoyed the idea that it let her go for good, she knew that it was probably toying with her. Her gasps turned into sobs as she started crying. She knew any moment now the thing would continue its torture.

“Merde!” it said. She didn’t understand it but it probably didn’t mean good for her. An object landed on her. She grabbed it and wanted to throw it away but noticed it felt like a lighter, it was covered in slime. She wiped the slime from her eyes and popped open the lighter. It was dry on the inside and after a few flicks it produced a flame that illuminated a small ring around her in warm light.

Annika immediately regretted lighting it, now that she had light she would be able to see her end coming. She kept looking down at the floor.

Looking at the ground she saw her phone lying a few inches from her, it was also covered in slime. Before she could inspect it a sudden noise of curtains rustling made her look up. She didn’t see what it was, the light from the flame wasn’t strong enough, and she also didn’t see the eyes anywhere.

Did it leave? Or was it just at the edge of the light? She really couldn’t tell. Her eyes kept darting about the darkness, looking on in anticipation of an attack.

She sat there waiting for what felt like hours. As the time passed she became more certain that it wasn’t there anymore. She decided it was time to check the room. She slowly crept forward holding the light far in front of her. There was no sign of it anywhere, only large gooey paw prints and smears on the carpet and her bed.

It was gone, and it didn’t kill her.