Summer in the city

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Summer in the city


Post by Koda »

Ok so I decided to give this a go. This is a old story I have written a time ago. My English SUCKED back then, HORRIFYING spelling and grammar mistakes may occur. I just don't have the time to edit it now, but maybe someone can read it and tell me what you think. I want to continue with it, but I don't know if its worth it. ANYWAY

Chapter 1 - Dreams and disasters

The cosy blankets was all he wanted at that moment, drifting in his dreams, not a care in the world... walking on a beach, seeing a figure on the horizon walking towards him. He didn't know who this fur was, but he knew he wanted to meet him. Feeling the soft sand beneath his paws, the wind gently waving through his fur and the sound of the waves crashing down, forming a melody in his ears, he drew ever closer to this wolfish figure. Nothing but peace surrounded him. Puzzled by this peace he decided to sit on the shimmering. 'this doesn't feel like me, this peace, why am I not bored with this?' he asks himself as he watches a crab scurry away from the sapphire water. making circles in the sand with his one finger, he almost lost himself in the complete beauty of the situation, and then fell flat on his back feeling the sand enter into his pelt. 'this is going to take forever to wash and brush out' the thought but then 'oh well' he said out loud and started to make a sand angel, feeling the sand falling all over him. he giggled and then he tilted his head to the side. The figure reappeared in the corner of his eye and a massive smile appeared on his Face. 'Ty' he thought, and with that faith full thought he leaped for joy, running towards the figure. Thinking of all the wonderful memories he had with this wolf, this majestic, smart, cunning and charming wolf. What he could say to this wolf the wolf who he loves... with his eyes closed he reached for the wolf paw, but when he did, he saw his face, muzzle totally covered in blood. 'Ty... what ha...' he could not finish his sentence before Ty shook him awake 'you have to wake up!!' Ty yelled with a historical notion in his voice. Alex opened his eyes and smelt the fumes of a burning building flooding his nose. Leaping out of bed he desperately grabbed Ty's hand as they started to run towards the exit. Through the fiery halls and burning rooms, down the hall past all the other apartments. And as they ran, Alex heard the screams of panic. it was evident that trouble was stirring here, but why here, why now, after all these years. How? 'CRAP' Ty said aloud as they faced the fiery stare case. now way past it now way around it 'we have to go back' tie said shocked as he grabbed Alex by the arm... running through the corridors fighting their way through the fire, it seemed so hopeless. but it all became just too much for Alex as they passed the smith residence, and a small fox body was laying on the ground, lifeless, empty. Death. Alex froze and entered into a state of shock, not knowing what to do, feeling the emotions burst through him like a explosion of grief sadness, and horror. 'Alex we have to mo....' and on those faithful words, the ceiling gave in, with the burning furnace falling down on them it simply all went black...
'OK ladies and Gents, we have arrived at our destination, welcome to summer city, Nubron. The time is 10:22 pm the 18th of august' the bus driver said over the irritating speaker just in time as Alex could not take any more of the annoying little girl kicking his seat and the guy next to him snoring it up and drooling all over his favourite t-shirt. he jumped up to the window with extreme excitement and looked around at the beautiful high buildings and the friendly sunlight hitting the windows to form a perfect reflection of the world around in full spectrum of the rainbow colours. as the colours collide, Alex could not maintain his thoughts, so many possibilities, so much opportunities, what a place to be, what a life to live. Not that he hated life in Riverton, it was a pretty town and he had his friends there, live was always good to him, but he had to get out, get away, start over. Especially after the incident. 'Let it begin' He said with a smile, but then took a knock to the head as the guy next to him woke from his sleep with quite a shock. His last thoughts 'ouch'...
'Hey.... hey... you have to wake up silly' a girl’s voice spoke as Alex felt a digit poking him on the head. Opening one eye he saw a white fox waving at him. 'The bus almost left with you on it' she said. 'whaaaaat???' Alex leapt to his feet. the husky rampaged and wanted to tear the head off the guy who knocked him out without reason but soon stopped at the giggle of the fox 'what you lathing at?' he said with a irritated look on his face. 'You are fun. I'm June by the way. This your first time in Nubron heh?' she said smiling. 'How did you know?' Alex replied, 'armature... I'm a resident, I’ve seen this thing a million times over, someone coming to the big city to live life to the full and to make cash' she pointed to Alex smiling as he lowered his head. 'So what your name?' she asked with a very curious tone. 'Alex, and yes, I AM FROM A SMALL TOWN, I AM HERE TO LIVE THE LIFE AND I WILL NOT BE ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE ANNOYING STATISTICS' he rampaged. 'Again with the funny, hehehe, whatever you say. Well ALEX... you are lucky, it’s my off day and I haven't decided what to do with my time yet, and since you make me laugh, I’ll be your guide' she said with a smirk. 'guide?' Alex whispered 'GUIDE?!!, WHY THE HELL DO I WANT A GUIDE????' he rampaged, but then she took him by the arm, pulled him out of the bus and shoved him into the street. Alex couldn't make head or tales what was going on, so many people, so many cars, so man y shops, so many lights..... The voices, everything was just too much 'YIPES' he yelled jumping back into the bus. The fox standing there with a smirk 'that's the hell why'
a few minutes later they were walking on the pavement besides the road, June had managed to get them out of the big city rumble onto a more quiet place. Strolling down the street almost silver as the sun rays hit it perfectly with the view of the ocean peeking out down the long street, Alex was carrying his small bag and his guitar. 'So this place you found, how much did you say you have to pay for it?' June asked as she searched for the street Alex gave her. 'well its sharing a apartment with someone else, a guy named Sed, but its only 200 per month and I have to buy my own food' and with that said, June stopped and smacked Alex across the head with rage in her voice 'YOU ARE TELLING ME THAT YOU ARE GOING TO SHARE A APARTMENT WITH A GUY THAT YOU NEVER EVEN MET, AND ALSO YOU ARE GOING TO PAY ONLY 200 PER MONTH.... that's like nothing. The place is going to be a total dump.' 'Well it is really cheap, and I don't have a lot of money, besides I'm 'here to live the LIFE' remember...' he mocked. they walked on and conversed about the possible conditions that the apartment may be in, when June stopped dead in her tracks as they almost reached the end of the street 'did you say 22 Barlow street?' 'Yea' 'hmm, this is going to be interesting... Barlow street is very upper class.... maybe your potential roommate is a serial killer' She said suspiciously. 'relax' they walked and reached Barlow street at the sea shore and went down to nr 22. they both stopped and looked at the beautiful tower of apartments. Alex could not contain his excitement, and started running up and down up and down. Alex dialled nr 5, and a strong male voice spoke 'hey, I can’t handle both of you at the same time *giggle* hey who is this?' Alex gave a nervous reply 'Uhm... hehe well... I'm here for the apartment, I mean the rental of the room, I mean' 'it’s ok, just come on up. Alex and June went up and the door to nr 5 was already open, the smell of oil was in the air and a strong male voice was giggling and screaming at the same time. They entered the apartment and saw a bit of a chubby white tiger freaking out whilst handling frying pans and all sorts of culinary mayhem. Alex was interested to meet this person and simply waved and said: 'hi, I'm Alex, and this is June, you must be...' 'Yea, I'm Sed. Mind giving me a hand?'
'Ok this is it, test day, 17 august, I will kill you, I will own you and I will become the greatest no matter what' the grey wolf was trying to psyche himself up. Doing the last of his push ups almost reaching 500. 'Ok, now I just need to go for that jog' he said out loud. 'Jog, again? You started off with a 5 km' a Doberman asked in a joking way. 'yea, I will own thing' the Wolf replied whilst adding another 2 kg waits to his legs, his body lean and cut, not to over muscular, but just perfect. 'and nothing will stop me, not even my past' the wolf said in a serious voice. 'Hey Ty, relax man, I'm sure you will do great, you studied more than anyone I know, you exercised even harder than me' the Doberman replied in cheerful voice. Ty left the room and started to jog, with Dobers last words running through his mind: 'what if I didn't study hard enough? I must be the best, nothing can stop me, I will be better than that guy, I will protect others from what happened to me, I will be the best' as the thoughts ran through his mind he started to jog even faster, sweat dripping down his fur as he pushes his body towards its limits. he all most forgot he was running at all, the thoughts was all cluttered up in his mind as he ran along the shoreline, sand scattering everywhere as he press energy into his perfectly formed muscles. Most people knew to stay out of Ty's way, especially when he was in one of these moods. He tends to get a little reckless and push himself to his limit, and when someone comes in his way, he identifies them as a threat, and becomes offensive. Ty ran and ran, he ran over the beach and then onto the garden route and then he got back onto the sidewalk, and then without looking in front of him, so consumed in his thoughts and the task at hand WHAM. "yipes" a voice uttered as Ty and another fur's body collapse into a almost car crash motion, papers flying everywhere. Ty almost instantly jumped up from the ground 'hey what the hell, watch where you’re walking man' but then he saw the poor skinny wolf on the floor with all the papers everywhere almost knocked making a moaning noise of pain. The hart Ty got soft for only a few seconds, and lightning fast picked up the papers, stacked them next to the wolf and reached out his hand 'hey buddy, you ok?' He asked whilst asking himself the simple question: what the hell am I doing, this person who lend a hand to the skinny wolf on the floor is not like him, the hard, unbreakable, untouchable, proud wolf. 'Huh?... Uhm' the wolf replied in a confused voice 'yea thanks, my muzzle is a bit sore but I’ll be fine thanks, I’ve been through much worse... ' the small wolf giggled. 'I'm glad' Ty replied pulling the wolf up from the floor and when their hands touched he could almost swear he felt something he never felt before, a strange feeling inside him, something new, something almost unreal. 'Thanks, I'm Alex, nice to meet you, I guess this isn't the conventional way of meeting people but anyway' the wolf giggled again. Ty found the wolf a little bit irritating, talking way too much, but there was something about him, something he wanted to know, he wanted to meet this fur. 'I'm TY' he said politely 'here is your papers'. 'Oh those, well I was about to throw them away, my roommate is a little bit of a hoarder, these are all scrap paper of I don't know what' Alex said whilst taking the papers from Ty. 'You talk allot hey?' Ty said with a sudden kindness in his eye. 'Oh sorry about that, I think I have ADD or whatever you call it, this is my first day here and....' As Alex rambled on and on and on, Ty wondered what was going on, why does this irritating, energetic little wolf fascinate him so, why can’t he let go of his paw and why isn't he mad anymore, must be the endorphins from the jog, or perhaps he really did drive himself too far. All the sudden he herd another voice coming from the house close by 'hey dude, see you met my new roomie' Sed yelled out of the window 'don't you have that big test today? Good luck hay' oh crap, the test, he can’t be late, never. 'Ok nice meeting you Alex, gotta go' he said running back to the gym 'nice meeting you, what your name?' Alex asked out of curiosity. 'Ty' and then he vanished behind the corner.
Alex walks back into the house rubbing his muzzle, 'you ok huh?' Sed asked whilst flipping a pancake into the air, not really interested in his new roommate's bleeding nose. 'You know Ty?' And with that question Sed flipped the pancake onto a plate 'sure, you want one? I mean a pancake?' as he placed the pancake almost perfectly on the plate like a extreme perfectionist. Alex wiped the spot of blood from his nose, 'hmm well he ran into me and at first I was scared because he seemed very demanding and dominating, but then a suttle kindness followed, he even picked up the scrap papers.' Ale said excitably. At that Sed started to laugh aloud 'HAH! Ty, Kindness.... not in the same category... let’s just say that he has got some serious issues. I know him from high school, he was a total jock and a stubborn guy, never really understood him, but when he gets drunk, then he is simply entertaining, what a loon. Kind of reminds me of you, just with less ADHD' Sid said with a feline arrogance. 'less ADHD, hay no fair, don't mock my behaviour, besides, the world needs people like me, we brighten up life' Alex swiftly replied whilst poking at Sed. Sed of course did not care the least, he was totally focused on the work at hand, making the perfect pancake, the feline was a total perfectionist, everything was perfect in his house, nothing out of place, a total neat freak as well. 'whatever' he just said at Alexs over rampaging and insanely fast talking conversation. Sed knew well how to ignore people like Alex, simply throw in sudden words like 'ok' or 'uhu' and 'really' and the other person will simply continue to talk, it works on his sister with A.D.D and on his mom, so why not with his new roomy. 'You are ignoring me' Alex said out loud with his arms crossed. Sed simply swished his tail and said 'DUR' in a sarcastic way. Alex didn't really mind he knew sometimes he can be a little much, so he asked the question directly 'Hey Sed, I’ve been meaning to ask, why are you sharing this house with someone for so little money?'. Sed finally found a proper conversation and smiled 'well... you see, I have everything I need, there is allot of people in this world that doesn't have what I have, I received the best education, have a amazing family with allot of money, everything is perfect in my life, and I know that the need in the world is way too big, so this is my way of giving someone the chance to experience life on the good side, because I know that it can be very dark and gloomy' Alex could not comprehend this so he uttered the words he accidentally say what he thought (which happens allot by the way) 'So I'm some sort of charity???'. The feline smiled. 'if you want to put it that way, yea. but back to Ty... weird that you found kindness in him, he usually will just keep on jogging, no matter who he runs over, he once ran over Junes boyfriend, now that was something to see.' 'Why?' Alex replied as he fell down on the couch picking up the guitar and playing a few chords. 'Well you see. June’s boyfriend is a little bit of a Jerk, don't get me wrong but the guy thinks he's the cream of the crop, HAY! Don’t put your paws on the couch!!!!!' and at that moment Alex had to duck as a knife came flying past him hitting the floor, slowly he peeked out from behind the couch. 'dam it, now look what you've done, ill need to get the floor fixed, please pass me my knife so that I can continue my cooking' the feline said in a calm way. Alex had no idea what just happened but he picked up the knife and carried it back to Sed. 'anyway, lets just say, a guy like me wasn't really friends with a guy like Ty, he as a Jock and I was more like a cooking nerd, but oh well, he's a cool guy, I mean once you start to get to know him' Alex had no idea what Sed was talking about but he just gave the knife back to him, making a mental note not to put his paws.... anywhere. he walked up to his room and sat down on the bed, his thoughts as busy as always, why haven't I received any news from any jobs, no interviews, no news from universities, nothing... I need to find some sort of work. also he could not get the kind eyes of Ty out of his mind, and also of course his body, what a guy, what a guy, he thought whilst closing his eyes to think of Alex again. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, and he jumped to his feat, looking at the message: From June. *Hey A, got any work yet? me and Nathan is going to the peer this afternoon, I know you haven't found any work yet because I know Nubron, hahaha. :P so see you at the peer at 3 pm. Don't be lazy!* Alex raised one brow, 'who the hell is Nathan?' he said softly to himself. Thinking of the eventful two days he had, coming to the big city, meeting a few interesting people, June, Sed that Chubby, Neat freak perfectionist hording feline, and now Ty... already his life is more interesting than in Rverton.
Ty ran back to the Gym as Dober and the others yelled at him 'hay you missed your goal by like 5 min, what's up with that' Ty kept a poker face and headed towards the shower, only 50 min left until test time. Dober came into the shower as well, 'ok man, so you ready for the test?'. 'You know me, I will become a inspector, I will, and I'll be better than that person' Ty replied instantly whilst showering off the sweat from his 10 km jog, his perfectly cut body totally drenched with water. Dober was a bit confused but he knew not to interfere, because once Ty gets into this mood, there is no stopping him, nothing gets in his way and survives. 'ok, well I'm still a little nervous for the physical, but you'll ace it heh. I'm going to do great with the academic through' Ty didn't really care about Dobers chit chatter, his mind was focused on the test at hand and also, what did he feel with that little wolf called Alex. it was on his mind the whole time. he finished up and put on his police outfit. he waited a whole year for this test, and he isn't going to go for another year of walking streets facing petty crimes, handling cats in trees or simple kid fights. he wanted to be in the real deal, his own desk, his own cases, and no more petty idiots that want to make chitter chatter. he finished up and walked to the test center. first there was the Academic test, easy stuff, laws, rights of the people, protocols, and so on. Ty didn't think twice to answer the questions, he knew he was right, he filled all the papers in and was the first to finish. he submitted his paper to the test overseer, and then left as cool as can be, whilst the others all nervously twitch and scratched on their pages. then came the interview, he was first, based on his quick writing of the academic test, staying cool he answers all the boards questions, not hesitating once to be totally honest as he would handle every situation correctly and responsibility as they gave him different scenarios, and then last came the physical test. A vigorous assault course with firearms, the perfect test for Ty, individual, as he prefers it. He shot every target right on the spot, and completed the time whilst breaking th record. 'Too easy' he said with a cool attitude to the examiner, as he handed in the 9mm back. He didn't really care for the chatter of the rest of the people around him, he knew that he Killed this test, now there is only one thing left, to wait, wait for the results. He retired to his room, alone as he always liked it, not a cat in the world. Grabbing a quick microwave meal and eating in total silence. only one thought now remained, 'who is this Alex person, I never seen him before during patrolls, and what was that when I touched him, what did I feel?' he puzzled it in his mind but then decided to go lie down, maybe a nap is in order. Nope, not that, so he decided to go for a walk, stripping off his police outfit, and throwing on a t-shirt with a pair of jeans. 'Maybe I’ll go walk on the beach, to cool my nerves down a little bit' he said out loud to himself.
Alex walked to the peer, and all the sudden he heard the voice June yelling 'YAHOOOO OVER HERE CLUMSY!!' whilst waving her hands in the air. 'Damn, she might even be louder than me... I sure make interesting friends' Alex said aloud as he walked towards them. When he approached he saw June hand in hand with a big muscular Tiger. 'This is my boyfriend Nathan, Nathan, I’ve told you about Alex'. They both greeted each other by shaking paws, but Nathan squeezed Alex's hand so tight he almost thought he'd hat to amputate it. 'h....h..... hi' Alex said in pain. 'Nice to meet you Lil' buddy' Nathan said with a smile. After all the formalities were over, they sat down on one of the benches on the peer, and started to chat about everything and anything, and then the topic came up: 'so, you don't have a girl?' Nathan said, interested. Alex felt his heart jump to his throat as he didn't know how to reply, and yet again without thinking: 'naww.. I'm not interested in girls' with a blush so intense you could see it right through his fur. There was a awkward silence and then June said: 'oh relationships too complicated for you huh?' with a cheerful tone in her voice. Nathan replied in a very friendly way as well: 'don't worry, the right one will come at the right time hey'. 'No, it’s not that, it’s kind of...' before Alex could complete his sentence Ty came walking onto the peer, without any expression on his face clearly way deep in his thoughts. Alex jumped under neath the bench, making June and Nathan, extremely confused. 'Hey buddy, what’s wrong you saw a gun or something??' Nathan asked. June was of course way more observant and detected that Alex couldn't take his eyes off Ty. 'Oooh I see, your Gay'. Alex jumped up from under the bench, and started to rampage with allot of words, speaking too fast to understand 'DON'T PUT IT LIKE THAT' and then he went on and on and on. Until Nathan finally calmed him down: 'hey man, don't worry its cool. you’re in the big city now. Maybe in Riverton you hard to be scared about it, but here we all understand, and it’s cool, your life partner is your life partner. and it doesn't matter if they are K9, ore feline, so why should it matter what sex they are, love the person, the spirit, not the body, June taught me that'. Nathan is a really supportive guy, always helping where he can and since he was a psychologist, he knew people well and how to handle situations. June snuggled up close to Nathan and said 'I’ve been watching the way you look at me and Nathan, don't tell me you don't want what we have, companionship, love, someone to care about and who cares about you.' she said in a kind way looking Nathan deep in the eyes and then back at Alex 'and I know Ty, he is a very private person, but if you like him why not take a chance? I mean you mentioned before that you two RAN (extra climax on the ran) into each other, perhaps that was destiny's way of telling you something'. 'But how? I was never in a relationship, I don't know anything about him, or how to even talk to a guy, like in a flirty way or anything' Alex said trying to evade the inevitable, but at that point June got up and forced him to the end of the peer were Ty was standing with his arms crossed looking at the horizon 'let’s just start with simple hi, ok?' She pushed him off and then sat down next to Nathan again, and when it looked like Alex tried to evade, she simply poked her finger at him and said 'GO'. Alex could feel his heart pounding like crazy, sweat starting to roll down his brow and a strange feeling of hope and fear at the same time building up inside of him. He walked up to where Ty was standing, and then simply said 'Hi' with a nervous tone.
*Jumps from out of the tall grass* Hug attaAAAAAAAAAck!!!!!*and then falls flat on his face*
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Re: Summer in the city


Post by Koda »

Chapter 2 - Crushes and Corners

'Hmm? ‘Ty said as his focus is drawn away from all the thoughts in his mind on to Alex. 'Hey' Alex said with his natural energetic and friendly nature. 'Oh it’s you? Hmm sorry about earlier. Didn’t mean to crash onto ya.' Ty said, a little surprised that those specific words are coming from him. 'so, what do you want?' Ty said hast fully as he would always do, coming straight to the point. 'Well... uhm you see, I, uhm.... Just wanted to get to know you a little better' Alex replied in a clumsy way. Chris frowned and lifted one eye, looking at the wolf next to him 'why?'. 'Well its simple, I love meeting new people, and making friends, and I'm kind of new here so, I like to meet allot of new people'. Ty thought what a weird guy this was, a real regular whack job. The kind you'd ignore on your morning patrols. After a moment of awkward silence Alex decided to break it 'So you’re a police man?'. Ty frowned again 'you sure talk allot' he said with a little bit of irritation in his voice. Alex just smiled and looked at the waves and responded with a teasing 'Your funny and you don't talk much at all. So you enjoy being a policeman? I guess you probably see allot of interesting things, do you have like a gun and stuff??'. *why does this guy ask so many questions... he sure talks allot, and I'm not used to talk about myself at all, how awkward, maybe i should leave* Ty thought, and was now debating on how to leave this conversation. But then it grabbed him, Alex's beautiful green eyes, kindness, compassion, innocence. All useless emotions he did not need, but he felt comfortable standing there. Alex on the other hand was very nervous and had no idea what to do next. 'So, it’s going to get dark soon, it’s like 6 pm already so, you know, got to go' Ty said whilst turning away. Alex couldn't help himself but get frustrated, he had tried his best but nothing could get through this guy. 'Hey, that's rude, you didn't even answer a single question' Alex exclaimed. June and Nathans attention was now also focused on them, since Alex was starting to yell. 'Oh crap, I think he is gonna blow' June told Nathan. 'Rude? so what?' Ty said softly as he kept on walking away. this infused Alex with rage and anger, all of the stuff from his past he didn't deal with, people rejecting him, it all came back, and without knowing what he was doing, ‘How dare YOU' he grabbed Ty by the shoulder, swung him around and punched him as hard as he could on the nuzzle. So shocked at what he had done he just froze dead in his tracks. 'hmph, guess I had that one coming, since I ran into you earlier, but I’ll be going now' Ty replied calmly, but then Alex went insane, he started to punch Ty in the ribs, on the muzzle everywhere he could. Ty was so shocked that this little skinny wolf reacted in such a way that he could not do anything. And then all of a sudden tears came streaming down Alex's face as he swung his last punch and missed Ty and falling straight onto him. Before Ty knew what he was caching the small wolf and holding him, as Alex was shivering and crying in his arms. 'Emotion' he whispered to himself as he just stands there with Alix in his arms. June and Nathan was speechless, they wanted to jump in and stop everything, but this was a extremely rare event, Ty didn't do anything back. The thoughts in Ty's head was flooding, emotion for so long he hid his emotions, for so long he had buried them away deep inside himself, and this small skinny wolf, is he, can he be able to break the barrier that Ty had put up for so long. Then it happened, one golden tear illuminated by the sun that was setting on the horizon rolled down his muzzle and dropped on Alex. With that they both crashed into the ground, sitting, and holding each other tightly. Neither of them really knew each other, but they both had something to share, a story, a feeling, a flare. after about 5 minutes of holding each other tightly Ty had to say something 'uhm, look buddy, I'm sorry, I didn't, well I'm not good at this thing but.... well yea, I'm sorry, I’ve been a ass, and the problem is not just to you, but to the rest of the world as well.' But almost directly after he said that, the thought was killed and he was back to his own, hard self, blocking out emotion of any sort. 'Look its… interesting… and all that, but we barely know each other, so do you think we can stop holding each-other now?'. Alex looked up with his soaked face fur and smiled 'sure' June and Nathan decided that the two of them will be just fine, so they scurried on home. Ty got up and offered a hand to Alex 'OK, well, let’s start here, I'm Ty, nice to meet you Alex' as Alex gripped his hand and Ty pulled him up from the ground.
The two of them walked off the peer in total silence, Alex was a little bit awkward about the whole event since crying is really not his style, and he must admit to himself that he kind of really like Ty. Ty on the other hand wasn't awkward about it at all, the only thing he was, was confused. Confused about what had happened, why didn't he punch this little wolf straight in the face and then it should have been settled, but no, he just stood there and took every punch. he knew that the police psychologist told him that he was going to face his issues about that person some time in his life, but how can this event and his past possibly be related? when they reached the end of the peer Alex just could not keep his mouth silent anymore 'uhm, Ty... about... about well that...' 'Don’t mention it' Ty replied softly, killing off Alex's conversation. 'but uhm, well I don't usually cry, or become violent like that, that never happened to me before, I'm sorry' Alex rushed through his word as he was a little insecure on what to say and how to say it, but this only confused Ty even more, *why is he sorry, what does he want?* he thought. 'Uhm, what you looking at?' Alex said with a smile, and at that moment Ty realised that he was looking Alix directly in the eyes, he blushed so much that he had to immediately look away in order to keep his cool. 'huh, what you looking for?' Alex asked again with a pure intention. 'Nothing, I've gotta go home, it’s been a long day' Ty said quickly as he started to walk away from the smaller wolf, towards his home. 'uhm so I’ll see you around i guess?' Alex yells and waved. Ty simply thought to himself *what a loud guy* 'properly, but the next time you see me, It will be inspector, I can guarantee that' he said as he walked away onto the street vanishing into the crowd. Alex was simply dumb struck and didn't know what to do, what just happened? he asked himself. was it all the aggression that came out from his past, all the hurt and pain? and this attraction to Ty, he is very cute, and mysterious, what a total attraction. Alex sat on the beach thinking about what he was going to do, and looked at the waves, the sea shore, the beauty of it all and the stars starting to come out. All the sudden there were a couple on the beach, a young husky and his girl, a spotty Dalmatian, holding hands and walking on the beach. What a beautiful sight this was, so much romance, so much caring for another person, so much joy. Nothing that Alex will ever experience, or at least that's what he thought. *lonely, I'm lonely, so alone in this big world, it docent matter how much people I meet, I still can’t overcome this feeling of loneliness.* he thought whilst watching the couple pass buy.

Looking out onto the street from his apartment window on the second floor, his mind was rambling on at what happened at the peer. also tomorrow he had a couple of days leave since the 'exam' was so 'hectic', in fact Ty thought it was a joke, oh well, now he has 2 days to himself. he felt the settle vibration of his cell phone in his pocket, reached for it and read the message from Dober inviting him to a drink. Throwing the phone on his bed and ignoring the message, he continued in his thoughts *I’ve always tried my best in everything, I will definitely get a rank boost from this exam, I will definitely become a investigator. I must, there is no option to it. But what happened at the peer, I can’t grasp it. No I don't need to grasp it, hmm useless thoughts.* and whilst he was thinking his phone started to ring. *annoying thing* he sighed and answer the phone 'yea'. 'Hey buddy, why dint you come drin......drink a drink with a couple of u...ussss h... here at the Caslow?' a drunken Dober said over the phone. 'You’re drunk, no thanks' Ty replied strictly and then another voice popped up from the phone 'idiot, hmm that you?'. 'Yea, let me guess Maxine you need me to come get Dober, since he is intoxicated??' Ty said in a cool, predictable way. 'yea, before I punch him out, it’s not just him, but Felix and Jonathan as-well, they are also becoming a bit of a loud, group'. 'I’ll be right over Maxene' Ty said whilst thinking of what a idiot Dober and the rest of the guys can be, he grabbed his badge, his gun and a jacket, because Dober knew that there can always pop something up. it was just the kind of guy he was, always had a plan, always knew what to do and always had thought ahead. He went to the bar they used to hang out, when he got there was no sign of Dober or any of the other drunken bunch. 'you just missed them' a elegant female cheetah said from behind the Bar, Maxene not the kind of girl you want to mess with, she would literally crush a guy if he tried something. 'Great' Ty replied in a sarcastic voice. 'Can i get you anything?' Maxene asked, and Ty nodded, hmm give me the usual hey. 'ok coming right up' and with that a well built tiger came and sat next to Ty. 'I'm not in the mood to play games tonight Nathan' Ty said as Maxine gave him his drink 'half a tod whisky on ice, hey you two boys aren't gonna brawl in my bar again, if so, I’ll have to drag both your sorry asses out of here' Maxene said with a strict voice whilst giving Ty his drink, and with that Ty and Nathan both shivered with the thought of how Maxene can crush a guy. 'Nope, not tonight Maxene, but thanks though' Nathan replied in a friendly yet suttle manner. 'Ty, I know we have had our differences, but, well, June asked me to talk to you about ...' Nathan said but was shortly interrupted by Ty 'June, she still mad at me hey, hmm I'm really over that, dating her in the first place was a mistake, you guys are a much better fit, and if she want to talk to me why didn't she do so herself?'. Maxene threw a chunk of ice towards Ty and said 'I'm warning you mister, I’ll kick your sorry arse back to boot camp or whatever you police guys do'. 'No, no that won’t be necessary, Ty, look, June is still sore about you, no doubt about it, but it’s not why I want to talk to you. Ty, what do you feel?' Nathan said calmly. 'Oh, HAHAHA, another head DR wanting to analyze me and tell me want to do or what to feel?' Ty said sarcastically whilst downing his drink. 'no, that's not what I meant. uhm I mean, today at the peer.' Nathan said relaxed. 'none of your business' Ty replied quickly. 'Well June really cares for Alex, say he has a kind heart and stuff, but anyway, I think he really likes you' Nathan tried to explain. 'Oh so now not just all the girls in this darn place is after me but the guys as well?' Ty said irritably, I’ve known you from childhood. you are never happy with a girl, I guess what I'm trying to say is, why not give Alex a chance' and with that it was obvious that Ty had no idea how to reply, 'you intending I'm gay?' as he smacks his fist down on the bar table, but in a synch Maxene stabs a knife down right next to his hand and Alex jumps back with his eyes widened. 'Don't break my bar... besides listen to Nathan, he is a psycho Doctor and all that, and you need someone to love man, gee, besides, last warning, I'm extending it since this is getting juicy' Maxene said in a scary voice. 'Ty, look it’s not about gay, or straight, or about race or anything, it’s about love, and being happy. Everyone deserves that, especially you, and today at the peer, I've seen the way he looks at you, and the way you looked at him, I've never seen that look before.' Nathan said calmly. 'I’ll think about it' Ty replied, simply to make the irritating tiger shut up, as he took out some money and placed it on the table for Maxene, and then walked out of the bar, on to the street back home, with his mind flooded with the day’s events. *what a day, man, maybe i just need some rest, I’ll go to bed early tonight* but that night his thoughts ran through his head like a speeding train, and he feels something he never usually felt, he felt alone. but he was always alone, why now all the sudden Gould this feeling bother him? he knows very well that he could always handle his problems and issues without the consult of others, but there was something in Alexa's touch that he could not deny, a feeling of warmth, safety, could this be what they call love. but with that he discard the thought as he took a sleeping pill, to put him to rest *ill feel better in the morning* he thought as he laid in bed and started to slowly drift away.
The annoying alarm clock went off and Alex pressed the snooze button, again for the 6th time. 'get out of bed lazy, you need to find a JOB, besides, I also made you a waffle. Don’t ruin its perfection' Sed yelled from downstairs. 'ugggh' Alex sighed as he slowly whipped himself from the blankets 'I don't wanna' he cried out and almost in a flash the chubby tiger was in the room 'get up' and with that he picked the wolf up by the t-shirt and dragged him downstairs. 'The waffle is now in a state of utter perfection, you need to eat it NOW' Sed said with frustration. 'But it’s just a waffle?' Alex really shouldn't have said that 'just a waffle? JUST A WAFFLE?? ILL LET YOU KNOW THAT THIS IS A LEGENDARY RECIPE GIVEN FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION, IT IS PERFECT IN EVERY WAY, 100% SYMMETRICAL, TOTALLY TASTY, WITH PRECISELY....' Sed rambled on about the waffle, and almost had a sinister look in his eyes, that's when the wolf realised, 'EAT OR DIE.' Sed said almost with a rage in his eyes, and Alexa gave a small nervous giggle 'hehehe' after that episode Sed finally left for work. 'man my perfect luck, find the perfect place to say, only my roommate is a complete lunatic, total perfectionists chef... gee. hmm.' Alex said to himself as he put his earphones in his ears and started to listen to his favourite band, looking through the newspaper for work. but all he seems to think about was Ty, Ty's body, his perfectly cut arms, his mysterious expression on his face, and that suttle kindness he see in his eyes. 'damn, with my luck hes probably straight, and with that body, ugh, he'd have allot of girls going after him, i probably don't stand a chance, no, focus, work, but those beautiful eyes, focus, damn ADHD, hmm, look here, looking for a waiter... i can do that, i have like 2 years experience. hmm let’s try it' he responded to himself, and he paused his song just for a while, whilst he entered the phone number into the cell phone, it rang 3 times and then 'hey, this is Angie, what can I do you for?' the voice over the phone said. 'Hey, i saw your ad for a waiter in the newspaper, and I would like to apply, I have two years of experience' Alex said confidently, he always was a social-lite, always a crowd pleaser, and knew his way with words quite well. 'Great, come for a interview, what are you doing now?' Angie replied. Confused and surprised Alex replied 'uh.... ok..'. 'yea come to 199 Dane street, its Le Cafe coffee shop and pizzeria'. 'Ok I’ll be there' he said and suddenly the phone went dead with a beep, beep, beep. Luckily Alex knew exactly where Dane street was, since that's the street where the bus stopped and June pushed him into the street. He quickly ran to his room and grabbed the most appropriate outfit for a interview he had, a black pair of neat pants, and a blue button up shirt. He quickly tried to organise his hair, but then decided that it was useless. He ran out the door, and walked on, only to remember he forgot to lock it, and then ran all the way back 'crap crap crap' he repeated, as he felt really compelled to get to the interview rather quickly.
As Alex approached the address that Angie gave him, he noticed quite allot of peoples voices and laughing, but not really that much people around. When he approached the Le Cafe, he was stunned. A HUGE coffee shop/ restaurant, 2 floors high and a crap load of people sitting in tables all over the place. WOW, way different from Riverton. He went in and the a cute little dingo waitress, 'How can I help you?' she asked politely, 'I'm looking for Angie' Alex said staring around at all the amazing decor and paintings around creating a amazing Italian style vibe. 'oh well here she...' And on that note a thin lioness stepped in with the same voice as Alex herd over the Phone. 'You want to speak with me? You that kid that wanted the Job hey, your skinny...' she said and looked at him up and down. 'Ok well come to my office real quick', she pulled Alex on the arm to the managerial office, through the crowd, it was obvious that this was definitely not your average place, it was insanely crowded and insanely popular. 'So ya want the job hey?? Hmm, Le Cafe is the busiest place this side of town, also we offer the best service. your lucky, i like blue, and you are wearing a blue shirt, so your interview will be very practical, its now the lunch rush, you've got 20 tables. tables 15 to 25, ya think ya kan manage that??' She said real quick. 'uhm well, yea, uhm i just need' Alex stumbled over his words. 'look kid, ya want the gig or not?' she asked and Alex said 'just show me the tables'. Alex replied confidently, but inside he was quietly dying... *CRAP CRAP CRAP!!!* he thought and the sweat started to drop down his brow. 'I like ya spirit, kid, Ya tables are all there grouped together in that corner.' She said and then vanished again to help out since the place was stacked, now a queue was forming. Alex tried his best to get 5 tables orders at a time, first drinks all round then meals, but also asking politely, after 10 minutes he got through all 20 tables drinks orders, written down on the notebook, and then he gave them to the barman to prepare, then he rushed back through all the traffic, and got some more orders *damn, what a rush, definitely not Riverton*. He even tripped a few times over an annoying kid, or someone's shoe, luckily he had great balance to make up for his somewhat clumsy movements. He took some meal orders and rushed to give them to the kitchen, he pinned them up against the order board, but then he saw it.... Like a knife stabbing him in the ribs. SED!!! *this is the place where Sed works.... NO!! * but he didn't let that stop him, he went on from table to table and made huge tips, he managed to make his rent in only one hour. And then the rush was over... He was dead, but he did it... At least he's got his rent... WHAM! Angie Slapped him hard on the back. 'You pack quite a punch kid. Welcome aboard, you got the job. You can keep all you tips and ill give ya a basic of 1500 per month, how does that sound?' 'That much?' Alex said with a shock in his voice, knowing that that was quite allot for a waiter job, it was what the manager got in Riverton 'Your in the bid city now kid' Angie said out loud, oh and thank your friend Sed, he told me to give you 20 tables, he taught you could handle it, looks like I owe him 200 bet money' and with that Sed peeked out from the kitchen with a knife 'You are mine hehehe' he snickered. *Damn, as if I don't get enough of the guy at home, oh well, this is a great gig* Alex thought, when WHAM Angie smacked him on the back again. 'Get working, or ill have to fire your ass today as well.'
'Aww crap, I should have known you'd get the Promotion, guess you’re my new boss now, inspector' Dober rambled on and all that Ty could think of at that moment was what would be his first case 'took them long enough to announce it, tow weeks, what the hell' Ty frowned . He didn't worry about the money, it was all about the performance for him. On that note a Dalmatian popped out of the corner punching Ty on the shoulder, 'Congrats man, now your finally as good as me' the Dalmatian said sarcastically. 'Yea, hmm, how boring' Ty said, as he showed his new badge to the Dalmatian. 'Hmm, looks like you and me are partners on your first case, here's your copy of the paper work, apparently something about a serial killer in in the south suburbs, apparently a wolf fanatic, he only kills male wolves' the dalmatian said, scanning through the papers as they strolled through the precinct to Ty's new desk. ‘Perfect' Ty said. 'Hmm, maybe i should talk to the boss about you and this case, since well, your history and all that with you’re...' 'No, I can handle this Vel' Ty stopped the Dalmatian as he got a serious look on his face. 'Ok so where should we go to celebrate?' Dober said aloud as he raised his hands smiling deeply. 'Maxene already made the reservations' Ty said almost as if he didn't want to go.
'Alex you mind working a second shift tonight? Nelly got the cold so she can’t come in tonight, and it looks like it’s gonna be a quiet night, only 2 reservations... Damn I hate Mondays, No money on it' Angie asked Alex whilst shaking her head and drinking from a vodka bottle. 'Sure, I can use extra tips' Alex Replied quickly. 'What ya saving up for anyway??' She asked Alex as she gulped down another shot. 'I want to study journalism!' Alex said excited. 'Wahhhhahaha YOU... A JOURNALIST! Mahahaha' Angie chuckled out loud. Hmm yea, yea. 'Looks like your first reservation is here, there on table Nr 110, on top floor, Nellys usual waiting spot. Hmm if you get any other clients, you can also take them up, it'll make it easier for ya, I told Sed to cash up closing time, so check ya tomorrow.' Angy Sed with a hiccup, as she stands up and walked out through the kitchen. Alex Took his Clients up to the first floor, a cute couple, a Golden retriever and a otter. So in love, so passionate, you could just feel it. *ugh, this is going to be a long night*Alex thought as he took their order. Then the second reservations came in. Alex felt his heart jump up to his throat, blushing insanely. *Ty* he thought whilst trying to grab a hold of himself.
*Jumps from out of the tall grass* Hug attaAAAAAAAAAck!!!!!*and then falls flat on his face*
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